OHMySQL supports Objective-C and Swift, iOS and macOS. You can connect to your remote MySQL database using OHMySQL API. It allows you doing queries in easy and object-oriented way. Common queries such as SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, JOIN are wrapped by Objective-C code and you don't need to dive into MySQL C API.
- iOS 8.0+ / macOS 10.9+
- Xcode 8.1+
- To test locally you can install MySQL or MAMP local server.
- Try to use OHMySQL API (set up demo project).
- When it'll be ready then transfer your local Data Base(s) to remote MySQL server.
You can use CocoaPods. Add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'OHMySQL'
If you are using Swift do not forget to add use_frameworks!
at the top of Podfile. Also it is recommended to add platform platform :osx, '10.10'
At the first you need to connect to the database.
Objective-C version:
OHMySQLUser *user = [[OHMySQLUser alloc] initWithUserName:@"root"
OHMySQLStoreCoordinator *coordinator = [[OHMySQLStoreCoordinator alloc] initWithUser:user];
[coordinator connect];
Swift version:
let user = OHMySQLUser(userName: "root", password: "root", serverName: "localhost", dbName: "ohmysql", port: 3306, socket: "/Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock")
let coordinator = OHMySQLStoreCoordinator(user: user!)
coordinator.encoding = .UTF8MB4
To end a connection:
[coordinator disconnect];
To execute a query you have to create the context:
OHMySQLQueryContext *queryContext = [OHMySQLQueryContext new];
queryContext.storeCoordinator = coordinator;
let context = OHMySQLQueryContext()
context.storeCoordinator = coordinator
You will use this context to execute queries or manipulate the objects.
The response contains array of dictionaries (like JSON).
OHMySQLQueryRequest *query = [OHMySQLQueryRequestFactory SELECT:@"tasks" condition:nil];
NSError *error = nil;
NSArray *tasks = [queryContext executeQueryRequestAndFetchResult:query error:&error];
let query = OHMySQLQueryRequestFactory.select("tasks", condition: nil)
let response = try? OHMySQLContainer.shared().mainQueryContext?.executeQueryRequestAndFetchResult(query)
You will get a response like this:
[{ @"id": @1, @"name": @"Task name", @"description": @"Task description", @"status": [NSNull null] }]
OHMySQLQueryRequest *query = [OHMySQLQueryRequestFactory INSERT:@"tasks" set:@{ @"name": @"Something", @"desctiption": @"new task" }];
NSError error;
[queryContext executeQueryRequest:query error:&error];
let query = OHMySQLQueryRequestFactory.insert("tasks", set: ["name": "Something", "desctiption": "new task"])
try? mainQueryContext?.execute(query)
OHMySQLQueryRequest *query = [OHMySQLQueryRequestFactory UPDATE:@"tasks" set:@{ @"name": @"Something", @"description": @"new task update" } condition:@"id=5"];
NSError error;
[queryContext executeQueryRequest:query error:&error];
let query = OHMySQLQueryRequestFactory.update("tasks", set: ["name": "Something"], condition: "id=7")
try? mainQueryContext?.execute(query)
OHMySQLQueryRequest *query = [OHMySQLQueryRequestFactory DELETE:@"tasks" condition:@"id=10"];
NSError error;
[queryContext executeQueryRequest:query error:&error];
let query = OHMySQLQueryRequestFactory.delete("tasks", condition: "id=10")
try? mainQueryContext?.execute(query)
The response contains array of dictionaries (like JSON). You can do 4 types of joins (INNER, RIGHT, LEFT, FULL) using string constants.
OHMySQLQueryRequest *query = [OHMySQLQueryRequestFactory JOINType:OHJoinInner fromTable:@"tasks"
columnNames:@[@"id", @"name", @"description"]
joinOn:@{ @"subtasks":@"tasks.id=subtasks.parentId" }];
NSArray *results = [queryContext executeQueryRequestAndFetchResult:query error:nil];
let query = OHMySQLQueryRequestFactory.joinType(OHJoinInner, fromTable: "tasks", columnNames: ["id", "name", "description"], joinOn: ["subtasks": "tasks.id=subtasks.parentId"])
let result = try? mainQueryContext?.executeQueryRequestAndFetchResult(query)
You have to implement the protocol OHMappingProtocol for your models. Insertion looks like the following (in this example the NSManagedObject instance). The library has only a primary logic for mapping, so I would recommend you writing a mapping logic by yourself. If you are using Swift you cannot use fundamental number types (Int, Double), only NSNumber (due to run-time).
[queryContext insertObject:task];
BOOL result = [queryContext save:nil];
try? mainQueryContext?.save()
You can update/delete the objects easily.
// You don't need to specify primary index here. It'll be update for you.
OHTask *task = [OHTask new];
task.name = @"Code cleanup";
task.taskDescription = @"Delete unused classes and files";
task.status = 0;
[queryContext updateObject:task];
task.name = @"Something";
task.status = 1;
[task update];
[queryContext deleteObject:task];
BOOL result = [queryContext save:nil];
let task = Task()
task.name = "sample"
try? mainQueryContext?.save()
- If you found a bug, have suggestions or need help, please, open an issue.
- If you need help, write me [email protected].
- If you want to contribute, submit a pull request.
- If you want to donate I would be thankful ;]
The MIT License (MIT)