Adversarial Texture for Fooling Person Detectors in the Physical World
Is RobustBench/AutoAttack a suitable Benchmark for Adversarial Robustness?
Repository for the paper I See You: A Vehicle-Pedestrian Interaction Dataset from Traffic Surveillance Cameras, presented at the LXAI workshop at NeurIPS 2022. This dataset captures critical vehicl…
Camera intrinsic parameters calibration from chessboard video sequence.
Task-agnostic universal black-box attacks on computer vision neural network via procedural noise (CCS'19)
REAP: A Large-Scale Realistic Adversarial Patch Benchmark
Robustness for Non-Parametric Classification: A Generic Attack and Defense
A fast and simple perlin noise generator using numpy
Integrating Large Circular Kernels into CNNs through Neural Architecture Search
Resources for learning malware analysis and reverse engineering
Mini-project exploring a simple Image Saliency Detection system, which can then feed into further image processing applications.
[AAAI2022] Code Release of Attacking Video Recognition Models with Bullet-Screen Comments
Code for a research paper "Part-Based Models Improve Adversarial Robustness" (ICLR 2023)
Final project for CS229 @ Stanford (Autumn 2019)
🍰🍎ColugoMum: Intelligent Retail Settlement Platform can accurately locate and identify each commodity, and can return a complete shopping list and the actual total price of commodities that custome…
A treasure chest for visual classification and recognition powered by PaddlePaddle
RPC: A Large-Scale Retail Product Checkout Dataset论文的解读及复现
This is tensorflow implementation for cvpr2017 paper "Deeply Supervised Salient Object Detection with Short Connections"
🔠Foreign language reading and translation assistant based on copy and translate.
LiveBot: Generating Live Video Comments Based on Visual and Textual Contexts (AAAI 2019)