Easy file syncing between iOS, MacOS and tvOS, using CloudKit.
Adopt the FileSyncable protocol to get automatic coding and decoding of your data.
struct SaveGame: FileSyncable {
let score: Double
func shouldOverwrite(other: Self) -> Bool {
return score > other.score
If your struct / class already conforms to Comparable, shouldOverwrite by default overwrites if self > other
// load a SaveGame from a file with path: "SaveGames/player1.save"
fromPath: "SaveGames/player1.save") { saveGame, wasRemote in
// closure *may* be called multiple times,
// if the cloud has a better version of saveGame
// save a saveGame to a file with path: "SaveGames/player1.save"
toPath: "SaveGames/player1.save") { finalVersion in
// closure *may* be called with finalVersion
// if the saveGame changed as a result of a merge
// or a better available version
// delete the saveGame
FileSinki.delete(saveGame, at: "SaveGames/player1.save")
Adopt the FileMergable and implement merge(with:)
to merge FileSyncables between devices.
Return the new merged object / struct which will be used.
struct SaveGame: FileSyncable, FileMergable {
let trophies: [Trophy]
func merge(with other: Self) -> Self? {
let combinedTrophies = (trophies + other.trophies).sorted()
return SaveGame(trophies: combinedTrophies)
If you return nil from merge(with:)
then FileSinki falls back to shouldOverwrite(other:)