A Processing script that grabs all image files from a folder to create a A5 printable zine. This script has been written for Proceesing Community Day 2019 by Birgit Bachler to capture the Processing Sol Challenge submissions of participants of the Wellington/Brisbane/Melbourne events. Find the event brief here.
This script executes in the Java mode of Processing. Images are placed in the data/images
The file names of the images contain the meta-data to be printed alongside the image in the format
This project is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v3.0.
- Processing Day AUS/NZ 2019 was organized by Melanie Huang (Melbourne), David Harris (Brisbane) & Birgit Bachler (Wellington)
- Thanks to: Tristan Bunn, Tim Turnidge, Seth Ellis, Amari Low & The Processing Foundation
- PCDAUS/NZ has been made possible with the support of College of Creative Arts at Massey University Wellington, Bar SK, Technecolour, Medialab Melbourne & Queensland College of Art, Griffith University Brisbane
- Te-Whanganui-a-Tara, Aotearoa 2019