Tags: iTotoro/Hystrix
Merge pull request Netflix#1901 from Netflix/publish_via_travis Enable publishing via travis
Merge pull request Netflix#1900 from Netflix/disable_tests Disable test task on travis since the tests are flaky
Merge pull request Netflix#1893 from Netflix/ignore_flaky_test Ignore flaky test
Release of 1.5.12 - a7b66ca: Merge pull request Netflix#1586 from mattrjacobs/fix-codahale-metrics - 2ad586b: Get CodaHale metrics working by starting up the stream consumers - 338aadc: Merge pull request Netflix#1584 from mattrjacobs/add-javanica-support-for-allow-maximum-size-to-diverge-from-core-size - 4262904: Merge pull request Netflix#1585 from mattrjacobs/fix-codahale-metrics-threadpool - 6794437: Fix incorrect return value in CodaHale metrics publisher of threadpool config - 717f13b: Added Javanica support for setting allowMaximumSizeToDivergeFromCoreSize in annotation - fdfb8f9: Merge pull request Netflix#1567 from gagoman/fix/1536 - f2b61c7: Merge pull request Netflix#1576 from mattrjacobs/fix-histogram-calculation - f956eba: Fix to permyriad calculation - dd1087a: Merge pull request Netflix#1524 from dmgcodevil/iss1403 - 251e5d9: Merge pull request Netflix#1574 from mattrjacobs/demonstrate-completable - 1aeabfa: Fix reference to CompletableCommand - cac455d: Demonstrate using a Completable in HystrixObservableCommand - 2ad0baa: Merge pull request Netflix#1572 from dmgcodevil/iss1565 - bfa5ba0: Merge pull request Netflix#1573 from dmgcodevil/iss1545 - 70e832f: iss1545: don't get cause from HystrixBadRequestException if command throws HystrixBadRequestException without cause - df5b5b3: 1565: Set maximumSize using @HystrixCommand annotation - fefdc37: Merge pull request Netflix#1570 from mattrjacobs/only-wrap-timeout-callable-when-necessary - 88b88e8: Netflix#1536 handle not wrapped exceptions same way as all other - 951c6f9: Only create the HystrixContextRunnable for running the timeout fallback when the timeout actually occurs (not eagerly) - f0d5482: Merge pull request Netflix#1568 from mattrjacobs/idempotent-circuit-breaker-read - c9241ac: Made circuit-opening happen in background, as health counts stream produces new values * This allows for methods which imply reading the circuit-breaker status (isOpen/allowRequest) to be idempotent * Added new method (attemptExecution), which command internally uses to actually manipulate status - 1722d69: Merge pull request Netflix#1561 from mattrjacobs/add-error-handling-sample-sse-servlet - b46a563: Switch servlet exception handling from Throwable to Exception - 6b316fc: Add exception-handling to interactions with servlet writers - d3e0991: Merge pull request Netflix#1556 from Thunderforge/master - 6642b5a: bugfix/Fixing typo in fallback error message - b07bf5f: Merge pull request Netflix#1551 from eunmin/fix_circuit_status_color - 1cd1dcd: Fixed incorrect color of circuit status in dashboard - cf3f7e4: Merge pull request Netflix#1547 from eunmin/hystrix-dashboard_multiple_circuit_status - eb91b23: Support multiple circuit status - df912b2: Merge pull request Netflix#1539 from justinjose28/master - a50fde2: Merge pull request Netflix#1535 from bltb/master - e79acc9: iss1403 - 9992405: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/Hystrix into iss1403 - 67fd60a: iss1403: added tests for Single and Completable, fixed bugs in GenericObservableCommand related to these RX types - 0d0a391: Fixed a potential bug in metrics-event-stream-jaxrs - 503131b: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/Hystrix - 48ba22f: Move markCommandExecution after markEvent SUCCESS. - bf70168: Add v1.5.11 to CHANGELOG - 8715b71: iss1403: Support @HystrixCommand for rx.Single and rx.Completable similar to rx.Observable
Release of 1.5.11 - db8ab75: Merge pull request Netflix#1531 from lholmquist/propertyValue_circuitBreakerForceClosed_assert - 45e9b7b: Merge pull request Netflix#1529 from Psynbiotik/master - 5d65553: Merge pull request Netflix#1532 from mattrjacobs/move-health-stream-subscribe-out-of-synchronized-block - 0fc69b8: Move HealthCountsStream subscribe outside synchronized block - a78d292: assert the circuitBreakerForceClosed property - 985ef32: Update build.gradle - 11a9ab6: Update FallbackMethod.java - 562d01f: Merge pull request Netflix#1513 from chrisgray/codahale_metrics_command_max_active - 3eef024: Merge pull request Netflix#1515 from kmkr/master - 5029590: Merge pull request Netflix#1512 from chrisgray/codahale_metrics_3.2.2 - 600f2cc: Merge pull request Netflix#1507 from piperchester/patch-1 - caf04bd: Merge pull request Netflix#1503 from mNantern/master - fe81818: Fix typo in HystrixCommand.java - fc24382: Fixing Netflix#1508 - f0d1ded: codahale metrics-core 3.3.2 http://metrics.dropwizard.io/3.2.2/about/release-notes.html - 66d63be: README: fix typo - c1d4bb6: Merge pull request Netflix#1502 from zzzvvvxxxd/20170318_delete_unuseful_code - 82a6610: Fixes Netflix#1458 : it is now possible to implements "ExceptionNotWrappedByHystrix" to get back the original exception and not an HystrixBadRequestException - a57324c: delete unuseful code in HystrixConcurrencyStrategy - 710a537: Merge pull request Netflix#1495 from justinjose28/master - 2b7eb64: Merge pull request Netflix#1498 from mattrjacobs/upgrade-servo-10-1 - 1ae5b95: Upgrade servo from 0.7.5 to 0.10.1 - 3851323: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/Hystrix - e9d8276: Adding hystrix-metrics-event-stream-jaxrs module - 8f16eb9: Add v1.5.10 to CHANGELOG - 38af9ba: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/Hystrix - 885bac4: Update README.md
Merge pull request Netflix#1531 from lholmquist/propertyValue_circuit… …BreakerForceClosed_assert assert the circuitBreakerForceClosed property
Merge pull request Netflix#1531 from lholmquist/propertyValue_circuit… …BreakerForceClosed_assert assert the circuitBreakerForceClosed property
Release of 1.5.10 - 4cf7e88: Merge pull request Netflix#1489 from LuboVarga/master - 8b2de49: Merge pull request Netflix#1481 from dmgcodevil/iss-1458 - de12cf2: Merge pull request Netflix#1482 from dmgcodevil/iss1446 - 998c4a4: Merge pull request Netflix#1488 from bltb/spelling - 12143fa: Added exporting of rollingMaxConcurrentExecutionCount value. - aae245b: Minor spelling fixes. - 943c10d: iss1446: added information about the declaring class of the method - e9997e0: Update README.md - 5256537: Update README.md - dd91778: iss1446: initial implementation - cb2767f: iss1458: added sanity checker for the method that detects point cut type by method annotations - c674545: Merge pull request Netflix#1475 from LuboVarga/master - 0db9367: Just added example usage - 7fdda15: Merge pull request Netflix#1469 from petercla/master - c17d487: Update README.md - 519e7c8: Remove possible NPE - fb428cb: Merge pull request Netflix#1453 from tbvh/hyst-1283-test - 80af3fc: Add Javanica test for NotWrapped checked exception - deb628d: Add v1.5.9 to CHANGELOG
Release of 1.5.9 - 3c6b1b0: Merge pull request Netflix#1449 from mattrjacobs/single-method-which-ensures-core-less-than-equal-to-maximum - 06c0d0f: Use method call instead of value reference so that HystrixThreadPoolProperties may be overridden - 15f44f3: Add HystrixThreadPoolProperties#actualMaximumSize() - 362abc0: Publish the value of the maximumSize property - 08cefa2: Merge pull request Netflix#1447 from mattrjacobs/allow-dynamic-update-to-allow-maximum-size-diverge-from-core-size - 0c8f733: Merge pull request Netflix#1435 from ptab/fix-reading-allowMaximumSizeToDivergeFromCoreSize-from-archaius - 148e8f1: Merge pull request Netflix#1448 from mattrjacobs/remove-cbor-dependency - 0c8cef7: Remove dependency of hystrix-serialization on jackson-cbor by deprecating binary output functionality - 0dd3cf5: Merge pull request Netflix#1414 from tbvh/master - a37ff8c: Handle coreSize > maximumSize in HystrixThreadPoolConfiguration - 9ab65f1: Refactoring of initial threadpool creation to use allowMaximumSizeToDivergeFromCoreSize - e08676e: Merge pull request Netflix#1445 from mattrjacobs/early-unsubscribe-hook-test - 9378b96: Add `onUnsubscribe` hook to command execution and wire in to command flow - 55a5470: Add unit test to demonstrate missing onUnsubscribe hook - 03d2836: Merge pull request Netflix#1443 from mattrjacobs/hystrix-dashboard-switch-jetty-to-gretty - b43069b: Merge pull request Netflix#1444 from mattrjacobs/optimize-server-thread-exit - 58962fe: Removing accidental println - bf6922a: Cleaner implementation of server detecting client disconnection in sampling stream - 8e95bc6: Change hystrix-dashboard README to refer to gretty:appRun instead of jetty:jettyRun - 9f08d39: Switch hystrix-dashboard from using Jetty plugin to Gretty - 11ca011: Merge pull request Netflix#1442 from mattrjacobs/fix-1430 - 62d9c30: Fix Netflix#1430 by detecting case when client connect/disconnects before metrics start getting emitted - 9263593: Merge pull request Netflix#1441 from mattrjacobs/hystrix-examples-webapp-switch-jetty-to-gretty - bc3b773: Use Gretty for running hystrix-examples-webapp - b61919d: Properly handle default values for allowMaximumSizeToDivergeFromCoreSize when configuring properties using Archaius - 03dac0c: Merge pull request Netflix#1412 from michaelcowan/javanica/raise-runtime-exception-for-observable - 3f7ad96: Merge pull request Netflix#1423 from diver-in-sky/master - f6baba0: Write to error log actual dynamicMaxPoolSize from properties if maxPoolSize < corePoolSize - 442966e: Add v1.5.8 to CHANGELOG - 9c357df: Introduce NotWrappedByHystrix to mark Exceptions that should not be wrapped in HystrixRunetimeException - b1280ea: Adding documentation for raiseHystrixExceptions - 2f04ffa: Add Observable support for option to raise HystrixRuntimeException