Aaron / Homepage / LinkedIn / Github / Sketchfab / Gumroad
Other frontend projects:
Etch-a-Sketch // Tic-Tac-Toe // Rock paper and Scissors
- Programming languages: Python / JavaScript / Julia
- Front-end technologies: HTML / CSS / React.js / TailwindCSS / Vite.js / Astro
- Backend technologies: Node.js / Express / Django / FastAPI
- Data Science and Scientific comptuing: Excel (with Macros) / NumPy / Pandas / Matplotlib / Jupyter Notebooks / Pluto (Julia Notebooks) / Polar / Seaborn
- Markup languages: Markdown / LaTeX
- Creative coding Frameworks and Libraries: P5.js / OpenFrameworks
- Game Development: Unreal Engine 5
- Coding tools: VSCode / Git & Github / NPM / Linux
- Art software tools: Photoshop / Krita / Illustrator / Inkscape / Blender