In-depth QlikView Security Masterclass course available on Udemy. This course cover everything you need to know about QlikView - both client side (Section Access) and the server side. We also provide challenges and solutions for you to solve.
As a bonus lecture, we will show you install and setup QlikView Server November 2017.
Section: Introduction
- Lecture: Introduction
- Lecture: Course Outline
- Lecture: How to get most out of this course?
Section: Security Fundamentals
- Lecture: Chapter Goals
- Lecture: Why Section Access?
- Lecture: QlikView Security Workflow
- Lecture: Authentication vs. Authorization - I
- Lecture: QlikView Authentication
- Lecture: QlikView Authorization
- Lecture: QlikView Security Architecture
- Lecture: QlikView Layers of Security
- Lecture: QlikView Communication Ports
- Quiz: Security Fundamentals
Section: Section Access Fundamentals
- Lecture: Section Access Basics - I
- Lecture: Security Access Basics - II
- Lecture: Must Know Document Settings!
- Lecture: App vs. Data Authorization
- Lecture: App Authorization with the Active Directory Users
- Lecture: App Authorization with the Active Directory Groups
- Lecture: Challenge: Basic Section Access
- Lecture: Solution: Basic Section Access
Section: Single Field Data Reduction
- Lecture: Single Field Reduction
- Lecture: Challenge: Single Field Reduction
- Lecture: Solution: Single Field Reduction
- Quiz: Single Field Reduction
Section: Multi Field Reduction
- Lecture: Multiple Field Reduction
- Lecture: Dealing with Incorrect Authorization Table
- Lecture: Challenge: Multiple Field Reduction
- Lecture: Solution: Multiple Field Reduction
Section: Impersonation and Testing Section Access
- Lecture: Impersonation
- Lecture: Testing Section Access
Section: Active Directory
- Lecture: Domain, Trees and Forest
- Lecture: AD Objects: Users and Groups
- Lecture: What is LDAP?
- Lecture: ADUGLP Paradigm
- Lecture: What is SAML Authentication?
- Lecture: What is Kerberos Authentication?
Section: QMC Security
- Lecture: Authentication vs. Authorization (QlikView Lens)
- Lecture: NTFS vs DMS Authorization
- Lecture: QMC Deployment Steps
Section: Certification Exam
- Lecture: About Certification Exam
- Practice Test: Mastering QlikView Security Certification