Sometimes we are forced to use a third party script or markup that we simply cannot change. While our websites are sleek and snappy with a nearly pristine codebase and progressive enhancement and Ajax every, many 3rd party libraries are still using tables for layout and the dreaded, evil document.write method.
What makes document.write so evil is that it is only useful for scripts inside the body tag that are processed while the page is loading. If document.write is called anytime after page load, it wipes out all the existing page content. That makes it very difficult to dynamically refresh content containing document.write calls.
Fortunately for you, difficult is not impossible, and writeCapture.js has already written (and extensively tested) the difficult part for you. All you have to do is give it the offending evil HTML and it will return nice clean HTML, safe for injection into the document. And it does it all in less than 1.5k when Packed and Gzipped.
doesn't execute scripts, the scripts are executed by
jQuery and the browser when the HTML returned by sanitize
is inserted into
the page via html()
, replaceWith()
or any other jQuery HTML manipulation
var html1 = '<div>Some HTML with <script type="text/javascript">document.write("scripts");</script> in it.</div>';
// $('#someElement').html() === '<div>Some HTML with scripts in it.</div>'
// = document.write('a script on another domain');
var html2 = '<div>Some HTML with <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script>.</div>';
$('#someElement').html(writeCapture.sanitize(html2,function () {
// $('#someElement').html() === '<div>Some HTML with a script on another domain.</div>'
$('body).html() ===
'<div id="foo"> </div><div id="bar"> </div>'
html: html1, selector: '#foo'
html: html2, selector: '#bar'
}],function() {
$('body).html() ===
'<div>Some HTML with scripts in it.</div><div>Some HTML with a script on another domain.</div>';
- jQuery. Developed using 1.3.2, but should work with most versions. Send feedback if you use a different version.
If any of the included scripts are on another domain, they will have to be loaded asynchronously via script tag injection. Subsequent scripts will be blocked, so order will be preserved, but this means that not all scripts may have yet run after the HTML is injected. This means that if your script depends on all the scripts in the HTML having run, it should utilize the done() callback.
Because of the asynchronous loading, attempting to sanitize a second HTML fragment before the first is done can have undefined results. Use sanitizeAll if you have multiple HTML fragments to load.
Scripts that assume that they are the last element in the document will probably not function properly. This is rare, but if a script is uncouth enough to use document.write, it's a possibility.