User selector Datepicker All time Commit History Commits on Jun 26, 2014 Show description for 9404ab4
Commits on Jun 12, 2014
Show description for 74168c4
Commits on Jun 6, 2014
Laetitia Gangloff
Commits on May 22, 2014 Show description for 555677f
Commits on May 7, 2014 Show description for b8089a1
Show description for 1091b24
Show description for 1953aa4
Show description for ad0ed2c
Gery Debongnie
Commits on May 2, 2014 Show description for 5aa2fa1
Gery Debongnie
Commits on May 1, 2014 Show description for 7e25b9a
Commits on Apr 30, 2014 Show description for c1601e7
Show description for c3e812f
Commits on Apr 29, 2014 Show description for b7003a3
Show description for d0e9ba2
Show description for 79d4c57
Show description for 65f2db5
Show description for fdfcb6b
Launchpad Translations on behalf of openerp
Commits on Apr 28, 2014 Show description for c393fbc
Show description for 22d1c09
Show description for 886c827
Commits on Apr 25, 2014 Show description for 2832d2d
Show description for bb85882
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