A getting started Project with the basics to use Hi-Framework and Hibernate using MYSQL as BD
First you must only clone the project and start editing, doesn't mather if how you will organize your folders but the project separates in folder the controllers, data(services, DAOs, Models), frontiers and utils
The configuration of the database can be found in src/main/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml and in the DAO src/main/java/com/mycompany/hi/framework/hibernate/data/daos/DAO.java
Information about Hi-Framework can be found in documentation and about Hibernate in http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/5.1/userguide/html_single/Hibernate_User_Guide.html
Most of requisites can be found on documentation of Hi and Hibernate but are:
- Java 8
- Maven 3
- Any server that supports CDI 1.2(tomcat/jetty/glassfish/etc)
- Mysql Server
in this specific case the DB will be created automatically as (mozdevz)
After cloning you only need configure your DB access credentials(username and password) to run the project on your IDE, and access the page on http://yourlocalhost:yourport/members/index (ex: http://localhost:8080/members/index ), or just access de root context
To make your own code you can edit the persistence.xml to add your on DB configurations, and you can model your classes using the Hibernate and JPA annotations, on the dao package you can extend your classes from DAO to make it have all DAO reference from the Generic DAO.
public class MemberDAO extends DAO<Member>{
public Class<Member> getEntityClass() {
return Member.class;
After testing and after all coding your webapp you only need to build a war file and deploy it on the server or can use the exploded war.
- Hi FrameWork - The web framework used
- Maven - Dependency Management
- Hibernate - ORM
Please read open an Issue if you have any problem and feel free to fork and make full requests to improve this example
- Adelino José Ngomacha - Junior Web Developer - iamzjohn