Maven plugin to transpile haxe sources and output them for later consumption.
Often in complex projects it would be nice to insert Haxe. A perfect example of this is JavaScript. Using Haxe as a JavaScript replacement is a great way to write cleaner (type safe) code.
However, including these generated files into a project is at best ill advised and at worst not allowed (especially in corporate environments). A lot of corporate build systems use Maven for dependency resolution and automated builds. It is also very common that a build machine does not have Haxe installed.
This plugin address that by:
- Downloading Node.js (used by lix)
- Copying Haxe sources to an intermediate directory
- Scaffolding a basic "lix" project
- Installing "lix" locally
- Building Haxe sources locally using "lix"
- Copy the resulting output files
<compilerProps> <!-- -D abc -->