Business use cases:
- Execute flows from places other than standard Quick actions
- Execute flows from button clicks in Communities.
- JSON configuration based.
- Supports all sobjects.
- Automatically retrieves current record Id.
- Click the button to launch flow in a modal dialog.
- Supports up to 10 buttons.
- Supports both Screen flow and Autolaunch flows.
- Supports output message (create a output text variable errorMessage)
Note: Autolaunch flows do not close automatically, recommend to use Screen flows.
JSON syntax:
Attributes: buttonLabel - Button label buttonVariant - Button style. Values: 'brand' or 'neutral' flowName - Flow API name refreshParentForm - Refreshs parent after completion. Values: true or false successMessage - Message displayed upon success flow execution
Example: {"buttonLabel": "Close Duplicate","buttonVariant": "neutral","flowName": "Close_Child_Cases","refreshParentForm": true, "successMessage": "Duplicate case closed successfully."}