Probably, i will follow this model: (Yes, it is be weird bc i didn't follow any pattern xD) Edit to see formatted
User: _id firstName lastName email birthDate password socialToken:{ type: acessToken idToken }
/posts/ /posts/{id} Post ownerId : profile->Id image_uri:'' description countViews countComments countPeoples viewed surveyPredict:{ owner:{ type:'Neutrophil', }, AI:{ answered: type: value: } users:{ [typeBlood01]:{ totalVotes: } totalVotes: } } privacySettings:{ canSee:'all', canPost:'nobody', canClassify:'followers' } createAt updateAt
PostComment ownerId : profile->Id comment: countLikes: countComments: createAt lastUpdateAt
Notifications owner_id: profile->id type: 'comment' post_id: createAt: lastUpdateAt:
/profile/1 /profile/1/achievements?page={x}&each=5 /profile/1/activities?page={x}&each=5 /profile/1/followers?page={x}&each=5 /profile/1/following?page={x}&each=5
UserProfile firstName lastName fullName avatar_uri ackground_uri jobDescription language:'pt-BR' countFollowers countFollowing countContributions countPoints socialContacts:{ facebook:'https://facebook' linkedin:'https://llasdas' } lastAchievements:[ {type:'500_FOLLOWERS_X1312', message:'+50 Contribuições', createAt: lastUpdateAt: } ] lastActivities:[ {type:'comment', message:'O usuário ${xxx} comentou na publicação YYY', message_html:'O usuário ${xxx} comentou na publicação YYY', postId: postid createAt: lastUpdateAt: } ]