this is a simple web page where you can play the Pig-Dice game.
*if you direct a web browser to you can access the page.
Behavior | input | output |
user can click ROLL and it shows the result | ROLL | =3 |
each time the dice is rolled, the dice sum is added and the total is displayed in current points | ROLL=(3,2,2) | = 7 |
if the dice lands on "1" the score added to Points Total is 0 and the turn goes to the next player | Roll=1 | 0pts |
if the player clicks PASS, "current points" is added to "points total" and turn goes to the next player | pass | PtsTtl = PtsTtl + CrtPts |
This project is considered open sourse, and would fall under a MIT license
Copyright (c) 2016 Ian Wilcox