Rick & Morty Client Demo Application using GraphQL API.
- The app has a search bar with results shown below.
- When the user types something into the search bar they should be presented with suggested character names.
- If the user presses enter, the character results for the entered search term are shown.
- If the user clicks on one of the suggestions, the results for that suggestion are shown.
In the Releases section, there is a Client Demo v1.0.0 from which a build.zip file can be downloaded. Uncompressing the file and executing "Index.html" will lauch the application locally in the default browser.
This demo application requires Node.js and npm package manager. NodeJS version v18.13.0 has been used to develop the application, thus v18+ of NodeJS are guaranteed to work as expected.
Install project dependecies
cd C:\path\to\directory\app
npm install
Run project in a development environment
cd C:\path\to\directory\app
npm start
Create a production build and run the app locally in the default browser
cd C:\path\to\directory\app
npm run build
cd build