GoodbyeDPI — Deep Packet Inspection circumvention utility (for Windows)
A light and fast method of looking up timezones given the name of city.
NestJS JWT Cookie Authentication
Inspired by r/badUIbattles (a joke subreddit for intentionally bad UI designs). This repository aggregates all best (or worst?) bad-UI designs.
Boilerplate code to get started with building RESTful API Services (Express, TypeORM MongoDB stack)
⭐ Scalable micro-framework featuring React and TypeScript
A bare minimum frontend boilerplate with React 16, Typescript 3 and Webpack 4
React Starter Project with Webpack 4, Babel 7, TypeScript, CSS Modules, Server Side Rendering, i18n and some more niceties
Universal React App with Redux 4, Typescript 3, and Webpack 4
Isomorphic MERN Stack Boilerplate with SSR, HMR, Redux, Routing, Lazy loading, i18n, Styled-components, Postcss, Cssnext, Webpack and many more
This demo project belongs to a series of articles on authentication with GraphQL and Passport.js
A boilerplate example of using passport.js for authenticating a MERN application
REST API with Node.js, Express and Mongo written in TypeScript and protected by JWT
Build a real fullstack app (backend+website+mobile) in 100% Typescript
A reference implementation of GraphQL for JavaScript
Example how to use TypeORM with MongoDB using TypeScript.
Laravel 8 + React + Typescript + React Router v4 + Hot Module Reloading
FAST FullStack React with TypeScript starter kit.