LFEditor is a work-in-progress Large-File Editor written in C++ using the Qt framework.
The current version (v0.1.0-alpha as of writing this) lacks some basic functionality and does not quite live up to its name as an editor. There is no editing support yet, and there is no support for reading non-text files, but LFEditor is capable of reading text files of theoretically any size.
The Qt version used for this program version is 5.15.1. You can download the source as .zip or .tar.gz and compile and link the Qt binaries yourself if you want to, as per the Qt license paragraph (d) of section (4).
The only tested platform so far is Windows, and the LFEditor releases contain both 64- and 32-bit executables for said platform. The program is portable and runs from anywhere. It does not use an installer. If you prefer building directly from source, the simplest way to do so would probably be to build the project from the QtCreator IDE.