This example shows how to integrate with Device Monitor Daemon Based in Quasar Cordova project
$ npm install -g quasar-cli
$ npm install -g cordova
Clone this repository
$ git clone
Install Quasar dependencies
$ npm install
Install cordova dependencies
$ cd src-cordova
$ npm install
$ cd ..
You have to create a google-services.json file if you want to compile to Android. You have to create a GoogleService-Info.plist file if you want to compile to iOS.
Create Android or iOS in your Firebase Project Console and put this files at /src-cordova folder.
You must choose an unique app identifier (ex: com.ibonkonesa.device-monitor) when you add both apps. Then, you have to update some files with this identifier:
- package.json: Update cordovaId property
- src-cordova/package.json: Update name property
- src-cordova/config.xml: Update widget id attribute
Finally, in order to access to the real time database, go to Firebase Project Console and create a web app.
A config variable will be created. Just place this data at src/config/env.js
config: {
apiKey: "",
authDomain: "",
databaseURL: "",
projectId: "",
storageBucket: "",
messagingSenderId: ""
Once you have configured all stuff, just go to root path and execute
$ quasar dev -m cordova -T [ios|android]
Read the official Quasar documentation about building signed packages at