This project is a set of frameworks and an application for an in-browser webRTC-based secure p2p messaging app platform. A decentralized Twitter-like app is included as an example.
Project website:
Github page:
Demo site:
User & developer slack channels: is a P2P messaging system that works inside your browser. All of your data is stored using client side browser storage. There is no
"account" stored on a sever anywhere. Instead, the client side app creates a unique cyptographic key pair composed of a public key and a private key.
The public key pair is the equivalent of your email address. You can share it with others and they can use it as an address to send you messages.
The private key is stored inside your web browser and is used to cryptographically sign messages you send to others
(in a way that proves only you could have sent it) and decrypt messages sent by others to your public key address.
When you send a message to another address, it encrypts the message so only the receiver can read it, and signs the message in a way that proves that you sent it. When you are connected to the internet, the client will try to find anyone in your contact list that's online and share the message with them, regardless of whether or not the message is for them.
A contact that your client shares a message will check the message signature to make sure it's from you and that you are likewise in their contact list. If so, it will attempt to decrypt the message. If they can decrypt it, the message is for them. If not, it's for someone else and their client will store the message and share it with any of their contacts that are interested in your messages. In this way, your message will be propogated among your contacts until it reaches the intended recipient and but without revealing who that recipient is.
This project is a set of frameworks and an application for an in-browser webRTC-based secure p2p messaging app platform. The following is a brief tutorial of how to get started:
The app can be opened in several ways:
- by opening in a web browser
- by opening downloading the source and opening the index.html file in a web browser
- putting the repo on your own local or remote web server and loading index.html from it
- navigate to /Identities
- click on the + button in the next column to create a new identity
- click on the new identity, then click on it's "profile" row
- click on the name field and enter a name for the identity
You've now created and named an identity. You can find it's public key in it's Profile. The public key is how you'll share your identity with other people. You can create as many identities as you like and use them to separate different parts of your life (work, friends, hobbies, etc).
- get a friend to share their public key with you
- navigate to one of your identities (the one you'd like to add this contact to)
- click on "contacts" and hit the + button at the top of the next column
- click on the new contact and then click on it's profile row
- paste your friend's public key into the public key field and set the name field
You've now added a contact to one of your identities. You'll now be able to see their public posts. If they add you as a contact too, they'll see your public posts and you'll be able to exchange direct messages with them.
This project is a set of frameworks and an application for an in-browser webRTC-based secure p2p messaging app platform. The code
The source code is available at:
Once you've cloned the repo, you can run the app either by opening:
in your local Chrome browser (index.html is a contcatenation of all the JS and CSS resources in the project and is built by running the archive/archive.js script in nodejs)
or you can open:
whice uses JS code to import all of the resources in the proper order. This is slower to load, but prefered for debugging as breakpoints and errors can be connected to the proper source files. The index.html build is used to distribution.
The development environment I use is VSCode. I strongly recommend using it as it supports automatically running the index.html build script, as well as launch scripts which connect to the Chrome debugger.
To get the build script to work, you'll need to install nodejs:
To get the launch scripts and Chrome debugging to work, you'll need to install this VSCode debugger:
When developing with the VSCode debugger, you'll want to click on the debugger tab, and use the "Launch Local Incremental File" script.
This is a new feature and may not be working yet but...
To test the progressive web app (PSA) features, you'll need to run a local https server. From the root source folder, run:
(this will run the server on port 4443)
and start Chrome in a mode to ignore the lack of a DNS signed certificate:
/Applications/Google\\ Chrome --user-data-dir=/tmp/foo --ignore-certificate-errors --unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure=https://localhost:4443
The project contains a number of components:
- an in-browser webRTC-based decentralized messaging platform
- a desktop-like (e.g. AppKit) UI framework in which single page browser apps can be built with no templates or html
- a Miller column based reactive UI system with view system that automatically adjusts to work on desktop and mobile screen sizes
- a naked objects framework which dynamically generates the UI based on model objects (most apps require little or no UI code)
- an intergrated client-side transparent persistence framework (most apps only require developer to declare stored objects and fields)
- a notifications system which automatically synchronizes the UI, model, and persistence
On top of this system, decentralized apps (dapps) can be quicky built with very little code.
When the app launches, it runs ResourceLoader.js and ResourceLoaderPanel.js. ResourceLoader handles importing JS and CSS, and ResourceLoaderPanel presents a UI to show the progress of the loading. ResourceLoader looks in the root folder for an _imports.js file. If found, it loads any paths (treated as relative paths) in the order they are found. These paths can be Javascript (including other _import.js files), CSS. This provides a means of doing relative library loading.
If your import requires some callback to be called after the imports are complete, you can add a pushDoneCallback to the related _imports.js file. For example, the top level _imports.js ends with:
ResourceLoader.pushDoneCallback( () => {
which starts the application.
The convention is to use one _import.js file per folder, and to use a single css file per folder (if needed) named _css.css. The archive/archive.js script can be used to walk these imports to generate the index.html file when preparing a release.
The UI framework code can be found in source/lib/view/ folder.
All view classes inherit from DomView.js.