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The python flask application is top on the SAP B1 DI API interface to provide the RESTful capability with the following functions.

  1. Show the system information.
  2. Retrieve orders.
  3. Insert orders.
  4. Retrieve contacts of a business partner.
  5. Insert a contact under a business partner.
  6. Retrieve shipments(deliveries).



  • "SAP B1 RESTful" (Python Flask application) serves RESTful requests from external applications and returns RESTful responses.
  • "Flask-SAPB1" (Flask extension) performs as an adaptor to communicate with SAP B1 by the following two interfaces.
    • SAP B1 DI: insert and update any business objects such as Order, Delivery, AR Invoice and Downpayment Invoice.
    • mssql: read data only directly from MS SQL Server.


64 bits

  1. Install Python 2.7.12 for Windows 64 bits.


  1. Install Python for Windows Extensions (


32 bits

  1. Install Python 2.7.12 for Windows 32 bits.


  1. Install Python for Windows Extensions (



  1. Download and decompress the package from the following url.

  1. Install the required Python packages by pip.
pip install -r requirements.txt

Configuration and Launch


We could configure the service at "flask/".

LOGGING_LOCATION = 'sapb1adaptor.log'  # The RESTful log file.
LOGGING_LEVEL = logging.INFO    # The log level.
LOGGING_FORMAT = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s'  # The log format.
DIAPI = 'SAPbobsCOM90'  # The DI version.
SERVER = 'SAP91'  # SAP B1 server name.
LANGUAGE = 'ln_English'
DBSERVERTYPE = 'dst_MSSQL2014'  # The MS SQL Server version.
DBUSERNAME = 'sa'  # Database username.
DBPASSWORD = 'XXXXXXXX'  # Database password.
COMPANYDB = 'SBODEMOUS'  # Database name.
B1USERNAME = 'manager'  # B1 username.
B1PASSWORD = 'XXXXXXXX'  # B1 password.
ln_Arabic                     =32         # from enum BoSuppLangs
ln_Chinese                    =15         # from enum BoSuppLangs
ln_Czech_Cz                   =26         # from enum BoSuppLangs
ln_Danish                     =11         # from enum BoSuppLangs
ln_Dutch                      =16         # from enum BoSuppLangs
ln_English                    =3          # from enum BoSuppLangs
ln_English_Cy                 =21         # from enum BoSuppLangs
ln_English_Gb                 =8          # from enum BoSuppLangs
ln_English_Sg                 =6          # from enum BoSuppLangs
ln_Finnish                    =17         # from enum BoSuppLangs
ln_French                     =22         # from enum BoSuppLangs
ln_German                     =9          # from enum BoSuppLangs
ln_Greek                      =18         # from enum BoSuppLangs
ln_Hebrew                     =1          # from enum BoSuppLangs
ln_Hungarian                  =14         # from enum BoSuppLangs
ln_Italian                    =13         # from enum BoSuppLangs
ln_Japanese_Jp                =30         # from enum BoSuppLangs
ln_Korean_Kr                  =28         # from enum BoSuppLangs
ln_Norwegian                  =12         # from enum BoSuppLangs
ln_Polish                     =5          # from enum BoSuppLangs
ln_Portuguese                 =19         # from enum BoSuppLangs
ln_Portuguese_Br              =29         # from enum BoSuppLangs
ln_Russian                    =24         # from enum BoSuppLangs
ln_Serbian                    =10         # from enum BoSuppLangs
ln_Slovak_Sk                  =27         # from enum BoSuppLangs
ln_Spanish                    =23         # from enum BoSuppLangs
ln_Spanish_Ar                 =2          # from enum BoSuppLangs
ln_Spanish_La                 =25         # from enum BoSuppLangs
ln_Spanish_Pa                 =7          # from enum BoSuppLangs
ln_Swedish                    =20         # from enum BoSuppLangs
ln_TrdtnlChinese_Hk           =35         # from enum BoSuppLangs
ln_Turkish_Tr                 =31         # from enum BoSuppLangs

Launch the Server

You could launch the service by the following command at the command prompt.

python flask/ runserver -h -p 5000
  • -h : Bind any IP for the service. (If "-h" is used, the service could be accessible only in local.)
  • -p 5000 : Bind the service with port 5000. Please check the port of Windows Firewall opened for the port.

You could also launch the service by cherrypy. The setting could be configured at flask/

python flask/



POST /v1/auth

Return the JWT token. You have to request the JWT token first before sending the other API calls.

Example response body:


Example script by curl:

curl -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json'
-d '{ "username": "user1", "password": "abcxyz" }'


GET /v1/info

Return the information of the system.

Example response body:

  "diapi": "SAPbobsCOM90",
  "company_db": "SBODEMOUS",
  "company_name": "OEC Computers",
  "server": "SAPB191"

Example script by curl:

curl -H 'authorization: JWT XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json'


GET /v1/code?type=ExpnsName

Retrieve codes by type.

Query Parameters:

  • type(ExpnsName|TrnspName|PayMethCod|TaxCode): The amount of the records will be contained in the result.

Example response body:


Example script by curl:

curl -H 'authorization: JWT XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json'


PUT /v1/orders/fetch?num=1

Retrieve orders by parameters.

Query Parameters:

  • num: The amount of the records will be contained in the result.

Request Parameters:

  • columns(optional): Which columns will be in the response result. If not specified, all columns will be used.
  • params: The query condition parameters. key: The column name.
    • op(optional): The condition operator.
    • value: The condition value.

Example request body:

  "columns": ["DocNum", "CardName", "DocDate", "Address", "Address2"],
  "params": {
    "DocDate": {
      "op": ">=",
      "value": "2016-01-01"

Example response body:

    "DocDate": "2016-06-20 00:00:00",
    "Address2": "3921 W Collins St\r\r3921 W Collins St FL  33607\rUSA",
    "CardName": "Werner Richter",
    "DocNum": "491",
    "Address": "3921 W Collins St\r\rTampa FL  33607\rUSA"

Example script by curl:

curl -H 'authorization: JWT XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"columns": ["DocNum", "CardName", "DocDate", "Address", "Address2"], "params": {"DocDate": {"op": ">=","value": "2016-01-01"}}}'


POST /v1/orders/insert

Insert orders into SAP B1.

Request Parameters for each order:

  • doc_due_date: Order due date.
  • card_code: Customer code.
  • expenses_freightname(optional): Freightname for shipping.
  • expenses_linetotal(optional): Total of the shipping cost.
  • expenses_taxcode(optional): Taxcode for shipping.
  • discount_percent(optional): Discount percentage.
  • transport_name(optional): Shipping method.
  • payment_method(optional): Payment method.
  • fe_order_id: Front end order id.
  • fe_order_id_udf(optional): Front end order id UDF.
  • billto_firstname: Bill to first name.
  • billto_lastname: Bill to last name.
  • billto_email: Bill to email.
  • billto_companyname: Bill to company name.
  • billto_city: Bill to city.
  • billto_country: Bill to country.
  • billto_county: Bill to county.
  • billto_state: Bill to state.
  • billto_address: Bill to address.
  • billto_zipcode: Bill to zipcode.
  • billto_telephone: Bill to telephone.
  • shipto_firstname: Ship to first name.
  • shipto_lastname: Ship to last name.
  • shipto_companyname: Ship to company name.
  • shipto_city: Ship to city.
  • shipto_country: Ship to country.
  • shipto_county: Ship to county.
  • shipto_state: Ship to state.
  • shipto_address: Ship to address.
  • shipto_zipcode: Ship to zipcode.
  • shipto_telephone: Ship to telephone.
  • items: item[] The line item in the order.
    • itemcode: Product sku.
    • quantity: Total quantity of the line item.
    • price: Price of the line item.
    • taxcode: Taxcode of the line item.
    • linetotal: Subtotal of the line item.

Example request body:

    "doc_due_date": "2016-12-12",
    "card_code": "C20000",
    "expenses_freightname": "Freight",
    "expenses_linetotal": "2",
    "expenses_taxcode": "Exempt",
    "transport_name": "Fedex ON",
    "payment_method": "Incoming BT 02",
    "fe_order_id": "00000002",
    "billto_firstname": "John",
    "billto_lastname": "Smith",
    "billto_email": "[email protected]",
    "billto_companyname": "",
    "billto_city": "Los Angeles",
    "billto_country": "US",
    "billto_county": "",
    "billto_state": "CA",
    "billto_address": "3650 McClintock Avenue",
    "billto_zipcode": "90089",
    "billto_telephone": "(213) 740-8674",
    "shipto_firstname": "John",
    "shipto_lastname": "Smith",
    "shipto_companyname": "",
    "shipto_city": "Los Angeles",
    "shipto_country": "US",
    "shipto_county": "",
    "shipto_state": "CA",
    "shipto_address": "3650 McClintock Avenue",
    "shipto_zipcode": "90089",
    "shipto_telephone": "(213) 740-8674",
    "items": [
        "itemcode": "I00001",
        "quantity": "10",
        "price": "12",
        "taxcode": "CA",
        "linetotal": "120"

Example response body:

    "doc_due_date": "2016-12-12",
    "shipto_telephone": "(213) 740-8674",
    "payment_method": "Incoming BT 02",
    "shipto_address": "3650 McClintock Avenue",
    "fe_order_id": "00000002",
    "shipto_city": "Los Angeles",
    "transport_name": "Fedex ON",
    "billto_companyname": "",
    "shipto_state": "CA",
    "shipto_firstname": "John",
    "tx_status": "S",
    "shipto_zipcode": "90089",
    "bo_order_id": "536",
    "expenses_taxcode": "Exempt",
    "shipto_lastname": "Smith",
    "expenses_linetotal": "2",
    "billto_email": "[email protected]",
    "card_code": "C20000",
    "expenses_freightname": "Freight",
    "billto_country": "US",
    "billto_state": "CA",
    "billto_lastname": "Smith",
    "billto_zipcode": "90089",
    "billto_address": "3650 McClintock Avenue",
    "billto_county": "",
    "items": [
        "linetotal": "120",
        "itemcode": "I00001",
        "taxcode": "CA",
        "price": "12",
        "quantity": "10"
    "shipto_county": "",
    "shipto_companyname": "",
    "shipto_country": "US",
    "billto_city": "Los Angeles",
    "billto_telephone": "(213) 740-8674",
    "billto_firstname": "John"

Example script by curl:

curl -H 'authorization: JWT XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '[{"doc_due_date": "2016-12-12", "card_code": "C20000", "expenses_freightname": "Freight", "expenses_linetotal": "2", "expenses_taxcode": "Exempt", "transport_name": "Fedex ON", "payment_method": "Incoming BT 02", "fe_order_id": "00000002", "billto_firstname": "John", "billto_lastname": "Smith", "billto_email": "[email protected]", "billto_companyname": "", "billto_city": "Los Angeles", "billto_country": "US", "billto_county": "", "billto_state": "CA", "billto_address": "3650 McClintock Avenue", "billto_zipcode": "90089", "billto_telephone": "(213) 740-8674", "shipto_firstname": "John", "shipto_lastname": "Smith", "shipto_companyname": "", "shipto_city": "Los Angeles", "shipto_country": "US", "shipto_county": "", "shipto_state": "CA", "shipto_address": "3650 McClintock Avenue", "shipto_zipcode": "90089", "shipto_telephone": "(213) 740-8674", "items": [{"itemcode": "I00001", "quantity": "10", "price": "12", "taxcode": "CA", "linetotal": "120"}]}]'


PUT /v1/contacts/fetch?num=1

Retrieve contacts under a business partner (CardCode) with conditions.

Query Parameters:

  • num: The amount of the records will be contained in the result.

Request Parameters:

  • columns(optional): Which columns will be in the response result. If not specified, all columns will be used.
  • card_code: The CardCode of a business partner.
  • contact(required): contact{} The query condition parameters.
    • FirstName: First name.
    • LastName: Last name.
    • E_MailL: Email.

Example request body:

  "columns": ["cntctcode", "Name"],
  "card_code": "C20000",
  "contact": {
    "FirstName": "John",
    "LastName": "Smith",
    "E_MailL": "[email protected]"

Example response body:

    "cntctcode": "60",
    "Name": "John Smith 1476166090.01"

Example script by curl:

curl -H 'authorization: JWT XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"columns": ["cntctcode", "Name"], "card_code": "C20000", "contact": {"FirstName": "John", "LastName": "Smith", "E_MailL": "[email protected]"}}'


POST /v1/contacts/insert

Insert contacts under a business partner (CardCode) with conditions.

Request Parameters for each contact:

  • card_code(required): The CardCode of a business partner.
  • contacts(required)[]:
    • FirstName: First name.
    • LastName: Last name.
    • Tel1: Telephone.
    • E_MailL: Email.
    • Address: Address.

Example request body:

    "card_code": "C20000",
    "contacts": [
        "FirstName": "Joe",
        "LastName": "Brown",
        "Tel1": "(213) 345-6789",
        "E_MailL": "[email protected]",
        "Address": "1st st. Los Angles, CA 90089"

Example response body:

    "Tel1": "(213) 345-6789",
    "contact_code": "63",
    "FirstName": "Joe1",
    "LastName": "Brown",
    "E_MailL": "[email protected]",
    "Address": "1st st. Los Angles, CA 90089"

Example script by curl:

curl -H 'authorization: JWT XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"card_code": "C20000", "contacts": [{"FirstName": "Joe1", "LastName": "Brown", "Tel1": "(213) 345-6789", "E_MailL": "[email protected]", "Address": "1st st. Los Angles, CA 90089"}]}'


POST /v1/orders/cancel

Cancel orders by frontend order numbers.

Request Parameters:

  • fe_order_id_udf(optional): Front end order id UDF.
  • fe_order_id: Front end order id.

Example request body:

    "fe_order_id": "000000011"

Example response body:

    "tx_status": "X",
    "fe_order_id": "000000011",
    "bo_order_id": "540"

Example script by curl:

curl -H 'authorization: JWT XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '[{"fe_order_id": "000000011"}]'


PUT /v1/shipments/fetch?num=1

Query Parameters:

  • num: The amount of the records will be contained in the result.

Request Parameters:

  • columns(optional): Which columns will be in the response result. If not specified, all columns will be used.
  • params: The query condition parameters. key: The column name.
    • op(optional): The condition operator.
    • value: The condition value.
  • itemColumns(optional):

Example request body:

  "columns": [ "DocDueDate", "CardName"],
  "params": {
    "DocDate": {
      "op": ">=",
      "value": "2015-01-01"
  "itemcolumns": ["BaseDocNum", "Price", "ShipDate"]

Example response body:

    "items": [
        "ShipDate": "2015-06-19 00:00:00",
        "BaseDocNum": "452",
        "Price": "140.000000"
        "ShipDate": "2015-06-19 00:00:00",
        "BaseDocNum": "452",
        "Price": "0.000000"
    "DocDueDate": "2015-07-20 00:00:00",
    "DocEntry": "364",
    "CardName": "Maxi-Teq"

Example script by curl:

curl -H 'authorization: JWT XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"columns": [ "DocDueDate", "CardName"], "params": {"DocDate": {"op": ">=", "value": "2015-01-01"}}, "itemcolumns": ["BaseDocNum", "Price", "ShipDate"]}'

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Contributors 3

