Generates amusing fake data for Tumblr. Mocks the tumblr.js client and returns authentic looking responses.
The Client object can function as a drop-in replacement for the actual tumblr client.
import { Client } from 'tumblr-faker';
const client = new Client({
user: 'luksfoks' // sets default tumblelog for user responses
client.userInfo((err, data) => {
if (err) {
console.log(data); // returns {blog: {title: 'luksfoks', posts: 0, updated: 1465446039, description: 'filmmaker and I'm on over 250,000 Tumblr Instagram"' ... }
You can opt to return promises as and to return errors if you want to test error/exception/etc handling. If you pass a specific error type to the constructor it will return that error, otherwise it defaults to 400.
const client = new Client({
returnPromises: true,
returnErrors: true
client.blogInfo('banshee-hands').then(response => {
}).catch(err => {
console.error(response.meta); // returns '400'
If you are in a browser context or managing OAuth yourself (word) than you can opt to use generators to mock ajax responses.
import { Generators } from 'tumblr-faker';
const posts =;
console.log(posts); // { meta: '200', msg: 'OK', response: { blog: ... posts: [...], total_posts: 321 }}
The Generators
object is deeply nested so you can also import it via its endpoint path. Also note that you can pass whatever arguments you could pass to the tumblr api client to generator functions (with the exception that offset is meaningless)
import BlogGenerator from 'tumblr-faker/src/blog/blog'; // this will be shortened in the future
console.log(BlogGenerator.posts.fetch()); // same response as above
console.log(BlogGenerator.posts.fetch({ limit: 25, type: 'photo' })); // returns an ajax response object containing an array of 25 posts of type 'photo'
console.log(BlogGenerator.posts.generate()); // returns an array of 10 posts
console.log(BlogGenerator.posts.generate({ type: 'quote', limit: 1 })); // returns 1 post of type 'quote'
Here is an example using the webpack loader "inject".
import { Generator } from 'tumblr-faker';
import ModuleInjector from 'inject!../../source/postSource';
const user = new Generator.user({
posts: 100,
likes: 0,
following: 0
const oauthRequest = query => {
const { posts } = user.getDashboard(query);
return Promise.resolve({ posts });
const PostSource = ModuleInjector({
'../lib/oauthRequest': { oauthRequest }
const query = {
next_offset: 0,
limit: 10,
filter_nsfw: true
PostSource.fetch(query).then(response => {
console.log(response); // PostSource.fetch() calls oauthRequest() with the above query params and parses the response, multiple requests with the same params will return the same posts. Neat
Now you have a fixture that generates its responses from the same pool of posts as if it were a snapshot of a real user's dashboard at a given time.
- plusrocococoitus
- robinflavoredjerry
- potatoesrebelsjama
- he_cheating
- milliball
- homovixen
- vs-us
- ultrafucking
Deep in tumblr-faker is a file with tools for parsing and formatting your own tumblr data. In the future I plan on exposing it and allowing users to pull from their own tumblr data.