Cobalt is an object-oriented and functional language that runs on the JVM.
The syntax is similar to languages such as Haskell and Scala.
- Hybrid Language - Functional/Object Oriented
- Statically typed
- Focusing on immutability
- Can be used with other languages on the JVM
- High readability
To contribute to the Cobalt project, please send us a pull request from your fork of this repository!
The project is in the alpha stages please get in contact to discuss any large changes and/or features you think would be interesting to include!
class ClassName
# Define a value (Immutable)
let value: Int = 10
# Define a variable (Mutable)
let mutable variable: Int = 20
# Define a method
let method(): Int = 50
# Define a method with params (With block of code)
let methodParams(x: Int, y: Int): Int = do
if x > 20 then
elif x > 10 then
# Function assigned to value
let multiplyBy2 = fun (x: Int) -> x * 2
# Higher order function
let multiplyListBy2(list: List[Int]): List[Int] =
# Method with a function type as a parameter
let functionParam(list: List[Int], x: fun Int -> Int): List[Int] =