Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)
- Niterói, Brazil
- https://creating.city
- @imcoelho
Multiobjective Optimization course
curso-seguranca-informacao Public
Curso de Segurança da Informação do prof. Igor Machado Coelho
ref_types Public
Refs: A Comprehensive C++ Reference Utilities Library
MIT License UpdatedJun 6, 2024 -
shared_ref Public
This is a C++14 implementation of "shared references", as a "not null shared pointer". This simplifies many things, and it's used on github.com/optframe/optframe
view_wrapper Public
View is a header-only wrapper for safer use of view and range types in C++20 (and also includes a C++14 subvector)
cycles Public
Memory Safe Data Structures in C++ with Cycles. Header-only library for move-only cycle-breaking smart pointer relation_ptr.
autograding-command-grader Public
Forked from github-education-resources/autograding-command-graderJavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 28, 2024 -
Catch2-devel Public
Forked from catchorg/Catch2A modern, C++-native, test framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD - using C++14, C++17 and later (C++11 support is in v2.x branch, and C++03 on the Catch1.x branch)
C++ Boost Software License 1.0 UpdatedDec 12, 2023 -
intuples Public
C++ library for Inline Tuples: useful for high-perfomance C-only code snippets without c++ tuple management.
curso-estruturas-de-dados-i Public
Curso de Estruturas de Dados I, com conteúdo C/C++ e foco em Listas, Pilhas, Filhas, Árvores, Filas de Prioridade, Grafos e Tabelas Hash.
curso-ed-i-base Public
repo base para slides do curso de estruturas de dados i
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedAug 28, 2023 -
lattes-recomenda Public
Forked from jadsonsantos/avaliacao-qualisUm pacote npm para gestão de arquivos de lattes e qualis
optional_view Public
C++17 library for non-owning optional data, compatible with multiple allocation types (stack, heap, etc), and optional reference optional<T&> logic
Forked from vidalt/HGS-CVRPModern implementation of the hybrid genetic search (HGS) algorithm specialized to the capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP). This code also includes an additional neighborhood called SWAP*.
C++ MIT License UpdatedJan 3, 2023 -
styles Public
Forked from citation-style-language/stylesOfficial repository for Citation Style Language (CSL) citation styles.
Ruby UpdatedDec 12, 2022 -
ilectures-pandoc Public
iLectures - Interactive Lectures on Pandoc
curso-pesquisa-operacional-i Public
IC-UFF ACE 2020.1
bazel-compile-commands-extractor Public
Forked from hedronvision/bazel-compile-commands-extractorGoal: Enable awesome tooling for Bazel users of the C language family.
Python Other UpdatedDec 7, 2022 -
facebookresearch-narwhal Public
Forked from facebookresearch/narwhalNarwhal and Tusk: A DAG-based Mempool and Efficient BFT Consensus.
Rust Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 29, 2022 -
firefox-gpu-rootless-docker Public
Rootless docker execution of Firefox browser with GPU/WebGL browser (working NVIDIA example on Ubuntu 22.04, but need to specify correct driver)
bazel_clang_tidy Public
Forked from erenon/bazel_clang_tidyRun clang-tidy on Bazel C++ targets directly, efficiently, with caching enabled
Starlark MIT License UpdatedNov 21, 2022 -
Small benchmark for C++ std::optional and tl::expected (also demo for Conan+Bazel integration)
fork-awesome-selfhosted Public
Forked from awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhostedA list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers
wd-ultra-mycloud-owncloud Public
Forked from comzone/rpi-owncloudDockerfiles for creating an OwnCloud instance in a WD MyCloud EX2 Ultra
trade-optimizer Public
Forked from victorl2/trade-optimizerRust GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedFeb 17, 2022