boilerplate for express and mongodb apps with REST api authentication
install dependencies
$ npm install
add .env file with the following variables
DB_CONNECT = # the address for your mongodb database
TOKEN_SECRET = # random secret for jwt token
SMTP_SERVER = # your smtp server address
EMAIL = # your email
PASSWORD = # your email password
run development server
$ npm run dev
As this project mainly features authentication, it includes a few security mesures:
- Hashing passwords with bcrypt
- Securing HTTP headers with helmet
- Validating user input with Joi
- Setting browser cookies as httpOnly
- Using JSON web token for authentication
- Preventing brute force attacks with express-rate-limit
However, those are only the bare minimum of security measures, so don't just use it blindly in your production environment. This is meant mainly for learning purposes or for small side projects
If you intend to use this code (or any code) in production, you have to consult a security expert.
You can also check for more security tips.