This is a module to set up multi-server / cluster synchronization using lsyncd and csync2.
You can use this to synchronize directories between servers. It uses a chained csync2 configuration that is triggered by lsyncd. It is based on this method:
This method depends on csync2 1.34 and lsyncd >= 2.0.0.
Currently, it supports setting up the synchronization on Arch Linux, CentOS 6 (lsyncd / csync2 can be found in the EPEL repository) and Debian Wheezy (Squeeze does not provide a new enough lsyncd package).
Apache License, version 2.0
Before creating a sync group you need to generate a key using the "csync2 -k" manually and copy the resulting key file to the files directory of this module. Give it the same name as the sync group you intend to and add a .key extension. The, use the following resource on at least two hosts to set everything up.
multisync::member { 'my_sync_group': path => '/srv/my_sync_group', }
Ingmar Steen [email protected]
Please log issues at the project site