Highly available elephant herd: HA PostgreSQL cluster using Docker
Offline and Online components for React
Full reference of LinkedIn answers 2024 for skill assessments (aws-lambda, rest-api, javascript, react, git, html, jquery, mongodb, java, Go, python, machine-learning, power-point) linkedin excel t…
DOMPurify - a DOM-only, super-fast, uber-tolerant XSS sanitizer for HTML, MathML and SVG. DOMPurify works with a secure default, but offers a lot of configurability and hooks. Demo:
Laravel Vue Material Kit - Open Source Material Design UI Kit
vuejs-id / docs
Forked from vuejs/🇮🇩 Dokumentasi resmi Vue.js dalam Bahasa Indonesia, diterjemahkan oleh komunitas Vue.js Indonesia
The Launcher3 fork known as "Rootless Pixel Launcher"
Indonesian language localization for Laravel 5
Daily, automated commits that magically turn your GitHub green
Code repository for Programming Kotlin, published by Packt
*end of life* // Manage your PPA // new version=>
hotspot portal mikrotik with Bootstrap v3.3.1
Heartbeat monitor system with twitter and an arduino
Installs Dropbox and integrates it with WingPanel (for Elementary OS).