design-systems-for-engineers Public
React for Senior engineers by K. Mbiyekeh course project
TypeScript UpdatedOct 9, 2023 -
nextjs-events-app Public
Practice project after completion of the Next.js course by Academind
meal-recipes Public
Practice project after completion of the React course by Academind
Basic ToDo App with React & TypeScript - React course by Academind
react-complete-guide-testing Public
React course by Academind (incl. Testing React Apps, Unit Tests)
Very Basic Next.js App - React course by Academind
React course by Academind (incl. Adding Authentication to React Apps)
React course by Academind
React course by Academind
Basic Redux demo, without React
React course by Academind (incl. Working with Forms & User Input)
React course by Academind (incl. Building Custom React Hooks)
React course by Academind
React course by Academind (incl. Handling Side Effects, Using Reducers & Context API)
React course by Academind (incl. React Fragments, Portals and Refs)
React course by Academind (incl. Styling React Components, Styled Components, CSS Modules)
React course by Academind (incl. Basics, Components, State, Events, Handling Form Submission, Rendering Lists & Conditional Content)
random-quote-machine Public
Random Quote Machine using React - freeCodeCamp challenge
markdown-previewer Public
Markdown Previewer using React - freeCodeCamp challenge