Web Programming with Python and JavaScript
hey guys ,i have learnt a lot about css and bootstrap and have worked on it 2 days straight. now it looks somewhat appealing to me, hope it does to you.
- index.html is the home page introducing myself
- education.html contains my academics and interests
- projects.html contains the projects,internships and moocs i did.
- contact.html contains a form(ps: which cannot be submitted) to contact me and my other contact handles. here i have used @media query to remove contact handles to footer below 600px. (though bootstrap does it already but puts it above)
- amber4.jpg contains the pic i used in index.html
- contact.jpg contains the pic i have used as background image in contact.html
- scssfiles contains resume.css (all the scss i used in making)
- cssfiles contains resume.css(from resume.scss) and resume1.css(same as resume.css , made this because i had to write css first because i could not download command line sass on wsl(please help) and then convert it to scss. did so because it was hard again - again converting scss to css through gui app scout)