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ashish173 committed Dec 12, 2017
2 parents 73396ee + 609c5d8 commit 1e234ee
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Showing 4 changed files with 213 additions and 2 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/kuber_hex/credit_card.ex
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@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
defmodule Kuber.Hex.CreditCard do
defstruct [:name, :number, :expiration, :cvc]
defstruct [:name, :number, :expiration, :cvc, :brand]
173 changes: 173 additions & 0 deletions lib/kuber_hex/gateways/monei.ex
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@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
defmodule Kuber.Hex.Gateways.Monei do
@moduledoc """
commerce_billing and kuber_hex have some issues with their deps. `mix deps.get` throws a million warnings.
Can't use Kuber.Hex.Gateways.Base.http as it is specifically tailored for stripe!
There's no validation for opts, ie some required keys might be missing.
this will allow me to fail-fast, currently errors are caught in `commit` which is too late.
Why don't we `use HTTPoison.Base`.
Need a card brand field in CreditCard struct

use Kuber.Hex.Gateways.Base
import Poison, only: [decode!: 1]
alias Kuber.Hex.{CreditCard, Address, Response}

@base_url ""
@default_headers ["Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"charset": "UTF-8"]
@version "v1"

@cvc_code_translator %{
"M" => "pass",
"N" => "fail",
"P" => "not_processed",
"U" => "issuer_unable",
"S" => "issuer_unable"

@avs_code_translator %{
"F" => {"pass", "pass"},
"A" => {"pass", "fail"},
"Z" => {"fail", "pass"},
"N" => {"fail", "fail"},
"U" => {"error", "error"},
nil => {nil, nil}

# MONEI supports payment by card, bank account and even something obscure: virtual account
# opts has the auth keys.

@spec authorize(Float, String.t, CreditCard, Map) :: Response
def authorize(amount, currency \\ "EUR", card, opts) do # not just card, also bank!
params = [paymentType: "PA",
amount: :erlang.float_to_binary(amount, decimals: 2),
currency: currency] ++ card_params(card)
commit(:post, "payments", params, Keyword.fetch!(opts, :config))

@spec capture(Float, String.t, String.t, Map) :: Response
def capture(amount, currency \\ "EUR", <<paymentId::bytes-size(32)>>, opts) do
params = [paymentType: "CP",
amount: :erlang.float_to_binary(amount, decimals: 2),
currency: currency]
commit(:post, "payments/#{paymentId}", params, Keyword.fetch!(opts, :config))

@spec purchase(Float, String.t, CreditCard, Map) :: Response
def purchase(amount, currency \\ "EUR", card, opts) do
params = [paymentType: "DB",
amount: :erlang.float_to_binary(amount, decimals: 2),
currency: currency] ++ card_params(card)
commit(:post, "payments", params, Keyword.fetch!(opts, :config))

defp card_params(card) do
{expiration_year, expiration_month} = card.expiration
["card.number": card.number,
"card.expiryMonth": expiration_month |> Integer.to_string |> String.pad_leading(2, "0"),
"card.expiryYear": expiration_year |> Integer.to_string,
"card.cvv": card.cvc,
"paymentBrand": card.brand]

def commit(method, endpoint, params, %{userId: userId,
password: password,
entityId: entityId}) do
body = params ++ ["authentication.userId": userId,
"authentication.password": password,
"authentication.entityId": entityId]
url = "#{@base_url}/#{@version}/#{endpoint}"
|> HTTPoison.request(url, {:form, body}, @default_headers)
|> respond
def commit(_method, _endpoint, _params, _opts) do
Response.error(reason: "Authorization fields missing")

def respond({:ok, %{status_code: 200, body: body}}) do
data = decode!(body)
# IO.inspect data
case verification_result(data) do
{:ok, results} -> {:ok, [{:id, data["id"]} | results] |> Response.success}
{:error, errors} -> {:error, [{:id, data["id"]} | errors] |> Response.error}

MONEI will respond with an HTML message if status code is not 200.
def respond({:ok, %{status_code: status_code, body: body}}) do
{:error, Response.error(code: status_code, raw: {:html, body})}

defp verification_result(data = %{"result" => result}) do
{address, zip_code} = @avs_code_translator[result["avsResponse"]]
code = result["code"]
results = [code: code,
description: result["description"],
risk: data["risk"]["score"],
cvc_result: @cvc_code_translator[result["cvvResponse"]],
avs_result: [address: address, zip_code: zip_code],
raw: data]

cond do
String.match?(code, ~r{^(000\.000\.|000\.100\.1|000\.[36])}) -> {:ok, results}
true -> {:error, [{:reason, result["description"]} | results]}
# String.match?(code, ~r{^(000\.400\.0|000\.400\.100)}) -> :review
# String.match?(code, ~r{^(000\.200)}) -> :session_active
# String.match?(code, ~r{^(800\.400\.5|100\.400\.500)}) -> :pending
# String.match?(code, ~r{^(000\.400\.[1][0-9][1-9]|000\.400\.2)}) -> :reject # risk check
# String.match?(code, ~r{^(800\.[17]00|800\.800\.[123]}) -> :reject # bank or external
# String.match?(code, ~r{^(900\.[1234]00}) -> :reject # comms failed
# String.match?(code, ~r{^(800\.5|999\.|600\.1|800\.800\.8}) -> :reject # sys error
# String.match?(code, ~r{^(800\.1[123456]0}) -> :reject # risk validation
# String.match?(code, ~r{^(100\.400|100\.38|100\.370\.100|100\.370\.11}) -> :fail # external risk sys
# String.match?(code, ~r{^(800\.400\.1}) -> :fail # avs
# String.match?(code, ~r{^(800\.400\.2|100\.380\.4|100\.390}) -> :fail # 3ds
# String.match?(code, ~r{^(100\.100\.701|800\.[32]}) -> :fail # blacklisted (possibly temporary)
# String.match?(code, ~r{^(600\.[23]|500\.[12]|800\.121}) -> :invalid_config
# String.match?(code, ~r{^(100\.[13]50}) -> :invalid # registration
# String.match?(code, ~r{^(100\.[13]50}) -> :reject # job related
# String.match?(code, ~r{^(700\.[1345][05]0}) -> :reject # refference related
# String.match?(code, ~r{^(200\.[123]|100\.[53][07]|800\.900|100\.[69]00\.500}) -> :reject # bad format
# String.match?(code, ~r{^(100\.800}) -> :reject # address validation
# String.match?(code, ~r{^(100\.[97]00}) -> :reject # contact validation
# String.match?(code, ~r{^(100\.100|100.2[01]}) -> :reject # account validation
# String.match?(code, ~r{^(100\.55}) -> :reject # amount validation
# String.match?(code, ~r{^(000\.100\.2}) -> :reject # chargebacks!!

alias Kuber.Hex.Gateways.Monei
alias Kuber.Hex.{CreditCard, Address, Response}
cc = %CreditCard{
name: "Jo Doe",
number: "4200000000000000",
expiration: {2019, 12},
cvc: "123",
brand: "VISA"
bad_cc = %CreditCard{
name: "Jo Doe",
number: "4200000000000000",
expiration: {2011, 12},
cvc: "123",
brand: "VISA"
opts = [config: %{userId: "8a829417539edb400153c1eae83932ac", password: "6XqRtMGS2N", entityId: "8a829417539edb400153c1eae6de325e", default_currency: "EUR"}]
url = ""
headers = ["Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"]
{:ok, res} = Monei.authorize(92.0, cc, opts)
Monei.capture(12.0, res.authorization, opts)
Monei.purchase(92.0, cc, opts)
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions test/gateways/monei_test.exs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
defmodule Kuber.Hex.Gateways.MoneiTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: false

alias Kuber.Hex.{
alias Kuber.Hex.Gateways.Monei, as: Gateway

@card %CreditCard{
name: "Jo Doe",
number: "4200000000000000",
expiration: {2099, 12},
cvc: "123",
brand: "VISA"

setup do
auth = %{userId: "8a829417539edb400153c1eae83932ac", password: "6XqRtMGS2N", entityId: "8a829417539edb400153c1eae6de325e"}
{:ok, worker} = Worker.start_link(Gateway, auth, name: :monei_gateway)
{:ok, worker: worker} # note that `worker` is just a PID
# optionally enable tracing this Gateway:
# :sys.statistics(worker, true)
# :sys.trace(worker, true)

test "monei authorize test", %{worker: worker} do
case Kuber.Hex.authorize(:monei_gateway, 32.00, @card) do
{:ok, response} ->
assert response.code == "000.100.110"
assert response.description == "Request successfully processed in 'Merchant in Integrator Test Mode'"
assert String.length( == 32
{:error, _} -> assert false
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/test_helper.exs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1 @@
ExUnit.start(trace: true)

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