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Tags: imanzarrabian/Quick



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- Backwards incompatible changes for Swift 2.0.
- XCTestObservationCenter is now a public XCTest API, although it
  doesn't expose "suspend observation". Quick tests now use the public
  APIs where applicable.
- Added Nimble to Quick Focused OSX Test Target in order to fix a CI


- Removed Failure.swift, which was no longer being used within the framework
  (probably) as of 6a68691, and was not a class that Quick consumers should
  have been relying upon.


Toggle v0.3.1's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
jeffh Jeff Hui
Changes in v0.3.1

Set minimum deployment target to iOS 7.

Note: this release targets Swift 1.2 (Xcode 6.3).


Toggle v0.2.3's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
jeffh Jeff Hui



- Changed minimum deployment target to iOS 7


Toggle v0.3.0's commit message

This release introduces backwards-incompatible changes to support Swift
1.2. In addition:

- Installation instructions for Carthage and CocoaPods have been
- World+DSL no longer has an implicit dependency upon Foundation.
- Functional tests for Quick itself have been improved.


Toggle v0.2.2's commit message

This minor release of Quick introduces "focused" examples.

You can use focused examples as a way of running only a subset of all
the examples in a test suite. If there are any focused examples in a
test suite, only those examples are run. If there are no focused
examples, all examples are run.

- You can define focused examples using `fit`.
- You can define focused example groups using `fdescribe` or `fcontext`.
  All examples within focused example groups are treated as focused
- You can define a focused set of shared examples using `fitBehavesLike`.

In addition, pending examples now use the same underlying architecture
as focused examples. Both are built atop of "filter flags". Filter flags
are arbitrary String-to-Bool maps that are associated with any example
or example group. You can configure Quick to include/exclude certain
examples, using QuickConfiguration and its new filter methods.


Toggle v0.2.1's commit message
Merge pull request Quick#214 from mkauppila/fixup/example-syntax

Fix block syntax in code example


Toggle v0.2.0's commit message

This release of Quick contains major breaking changes that are
incompatible with the v0.1.0-beta API.

Specifically, shared examples are no longer defined within a
`QuickSharedExampleGroups` subclass. Instead, shared examples may be
defined within a subclass of `QuickConfiguration`.

Other updates include:

- Fixes for breaking changes introduced by new Xcode versions. This
  version of Quick supports Xcode 6.0, 6.1, and 6.1.1 GM.
- Nimble (the matcher framework) is maintained as an external
  library. Quick may be used independent of Nimble.
- Objective-C shorthand is enabled by default (i.e.: `it`, instead of
- Quick itself is tested via functional tests.
- Improved documentation and README.


Toggle v0.1.0-beta's commit message

This is the first "official" release of the Quick testing framework. It
works with Xcode 6 beta 2 (6A216f) and includes the following features:

- Example groups: `describe` and `context`
- Group setup and teardown: `beforeEach` and `afterEach`
- Suite setup and teardown: `beforeSuite` and `afterSuite`
- Examples: `it`
- Shared examples: `sharedExamples` and `itBehavesLike`
- Expectations: `expect(...).to`
- Asynchronous expectations: `expect{...}.will`
- Basic matchers, such as `equal` and `beTrue`
- The `raise` matcher
- Custom output formatters
- User-defined matchers

The Swift API will be versioned from this point forward. Any breaking
changes will be tagged as version 0.2.0, 0.3.0, and so on. Backward
compatible changes will be bundled and released as versions 0.1.1,
0.1.2, and so on.

The Objective-C API will remain unstable. Breaking changes may be
introduced at any time.