This is a project presenting efficient integration of Jennifer ORM and Amber web framework.
This project is inspired by Ruby on Rails Tutorial sample application.
To get started with the app, clone the repo and then install the needed dependencies:
$ cd /path/to/repos
$ git clone [email protected]:imdrasil/amber_jennifer_sample_app.git
$ cd amber_jennifer_sample_app
$ shards
$ make setup
The last command copies ./config/database.yml.example
to ./config/database.yml
. All database parameters are located in ./config/database.yml
- complete them with your own values.
Next do the database setup.
$ make sam db:setup
This will automatically create development database, run all migrations and populate seeds.
To start a dev server just run:
$ amber watch
This is the lists of top-level application dependencies.
- amber - web framework used to build this application;
- jennifer - ORM with DB migrating tool;
- sam - task/script manager (is used only for some commands - Amber provides own CLI);
- pg - PostgreSQL driver;
- carbon - email library;
- citrine-i18n - Amber library for parsing translation local for I18n from request headers;
- form_object - library provides Form Object pattern - allows to move all parameter parsing and data validating logic outside of models and controllers;
- pager - simple pagination library;
- view_model - View-Model layer - allows to encapsulate all view-related logic in a separate classes and brings HTML helper methods.
- email_opener - opens all sent emails in a browser tab;
- garnet_spec - library to perform system and controller tests for a web framework.
- implement "Remember me* using cookies
- cover functionality with tests
- 404 and 500 pages; "rescue from" functionality
- Fork it ( )
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request
- imdrasil Roman Kalnytskyi - creator, maintainer