This project leverages MultiCall3
to efficiently execute large-scale airdrops. MultiCallV3 enables batching of multiple calls into a single transaction on the Ethereum or evm based blockchain, which significantly reduces gas costs when distributing tokens to multiple recipients.
is deployed on over 70+ chains at 0xcA11bde05977b3631167028862bE2a173976CA11
The full list of deployed chains along with the Multicall3 ABI can be found at
The ABI is provided in various formats, and can be copied to your clipboard or downloaded to a file.
Bulk Airdrop:
Simultaneously transfer tokens or native currency to multiple addresses (MAX 250), and with the All-or-Nothing
option, it ensures atomic transaction execution, making it possible to process all transfers as a single, indivisible unit.
ERC20 and ETH Support:
Includes cases for transferring both ERC20 tokens and native ETH, making it versatile for different airdrop requirements. (@todo ERC20, NFT)
Gas Optimization:
MultiCall3 enables distribution to multiple recipients in a single transaction, optimizing gas costs.
This tutorial will airdrop to 250 accounts created with mock data and send 0.01 ETH to each account (total 2.5 eth). Please validate on testnet before using on mainnet.
(1) run npm install
& create .env
& inter provider url
and private key
npm i
cp .env.example .env
SIGNER_PK= # airdroper private key
(2) airdrop native asset
npm run airdrop:native
after transaction success, can check result on multicall-airdrop/package/result/mock_native_airdrop_result file
(1) if want to deploy multicall3 contract on local network
npm run deploy:multicall
[INFO] MultiCall3 is deployed to all EVM chains with the same contract address via NICK`S METHOD.