the backend of TravelYaari Created using ExpressJs, NodeJs, and NoSql Database MongoDB (connect to MongoDB Atlas) The FrontEnd part of the project is avaialable at
To run this API, do the following: create .env with the following code (update credentials). Make sure to create .env in the root of the project,
MONGODB_URI="mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@<clustername><database name>?retryWrites=true&w=majority"
JWT_SECRET=<Your jwt Secret key>
BRAINTREE_MERCHANT_ID=<Your braintreemerchant id>
BRAINTREE_PUBLIC_KEY=<Your braintree account public key>
BRAINTREE_PRIVATE_KEY=<Your braintree account private key>
Then run the following commands to start up the api.
cd AwareWeGo-Api
npm install
npm start