###Cards Against Squirrels
Phase 2 Passion Project:
Convert Phase 1 console app to fully functioning web app implementing:
- Portfolio 1: Sinatra RESTful CRUD
- Portfolio 2: Active Record
- Portfolio 3: Authentication And Authorization
- Portfolio 4: HTML and CSS
- Portfolio 5: Validations and Errors
- Index/landing page
- A user can Create a new white card.
- A user can Read all the white cards created under their account.
- A user can Edit/Update a white card.
- A user can Delete an existing white card under their account.
- A user can see a page where she can create a new white card.
- A user can see a page where she can edit a white card.
- Start a game with virtual players
- a user has many white cards (they created)
- formatting with CAH style fonts and design
Validation/Error Handeling
- warning when user tries to play a card not in their hand
- validation on create new white card, can't already exist.
- form remains complete with input if validation error is encountered.
New table structure
- cards
- players
- played_cards = join table with additional info
- users