- Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- http://www.mohamedabdeen.com
python-sample-eshop-website Public
It is sample e-commerce website built using Python , Django framework
Python UpdatedFeb 24, 2019 -
node-events-demo Public
Explain node events concept using sample logger code.
JavaScript UpdatedJan 24, 2019 -
vidly-app-node Public
it is Node.js & express playground project which illustrates all basic concepts of node including rest API implementation, security, logging, error handling, testing, deployment.
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 25, 2018 -
EFCodeFirstAdvancedDemo Public
Entity Framework code first advanced features like cascade delete, move configuration, DB Initialization strategy, migration, EF power tools
EFCodeFirstFluentAPIDemo Public
Entity Framework code first fluent API & implement relations between classes demo
angular4-material Public
Demonstrating google material design in Angular 4
LibraryManagementSystem Public
Forked from vassil-z/LibraryManagementSystemWeb app for managing libraries. The app gives users the ability to manage books, authors, publishers, rents, customers and other users if the logged user is administrator. Used technologies and app…
C# UpdatedFeb 28, 2017