A virtual machine configuration for immutable infrastructure with Asgard, Packer, Vagrant, VirtualBox, and AWS.
Hugo theme based on jekyll-incorporated
Originally for monthly table partitions, more info at [](
Elasticsearch (elk-focused) api wrapper for restoring daily indices.
The open source frontend for GitBook doc sites
Chicago Boss - Ubuntu 12.04LTS, Erlang R15B02
Hubot script for Asgard interaction
Bash scripts for managing backup, delete, and restore of elasticsearch indexes created by logstash.
imperialwicket / Cloud-Prize
Forked from Netflix/Cloud-PrizeDescription and terms for the Netflix Cloud Prize, which runs from March-September 2013. Read the rules, fork to your GitHub account to create a Submission, then send us your email address.
imperialwicket / cb_admin
Forked from ChicagoBoss/cb_adminAdmin interface for Chicago Boss
Chicago Boss sample app with PostgreSQL db shard and user registration with bcrypt.
Habari OpenWebAnalytics is a Habari plugin providing an easy administrative interface for supporting tracking via openwebanalytics.
iwBase is a responsive theme for habari. iwBase is meant as a foundational theme, and borrows heavily from K2 and Charcoal. It comes with basic fluid and fixed stylesheets, and includes sidebar, to…
A mirror of the RelatedPosts plugin from the habari-extras SVN repository.
imperialwicket / system
Forked from habari/systemThe core Habari system files. This is where the magic happens!
imperialwicket / habari
Forked from habari/habariA basic Habari site, ready to be forked and customized!
imperialwicket / Skeleton
Forked from dhg/SkeletonSkeleton: A Beautiful Boilerplate for Responsive, Mobile-Friendly Development
A responsive and configurable theme for habari.
chrismeller / Mzingi_v2
Forked from miklb/Mzingi_v2Responsive HTML5/CSS3 base Habari theme
Includes a demo google map using markerclusterer and api v3 and the slightly scrubbed JSON output from the USDA site.
The core Habari system files. This is where the magic happens!
A basic Habari site, ready to be forked and customized!
Modifications to the Google sample code detailing alternate usage strategies for the Distance Matrix Service.
Skeleton: A Dead Simple, Responsive Boilerplate for Mobile-Friendly Development
PLUGIN: Show the related posts based on interception of tags. Inspired by Raman Ng's (a.k.a. tinyau) RN Related Posts. Version 0.3 adds a block.