- Mountain View, CA, US
- http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=63948059
kylo Public
Forked from Teradata/kyloKylo is a data lake management software platform and framework for enabling scalable enterprise-class data lakes on Apache Hadoop and Spark. Kylo is licensed under Apache 2.0 and contributed by Thi…
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 17, 2018 -
gson Public
Forked from google/gsonA Java serialization/deserialization library to convert Java Objects into JSON and back
HTML Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 20, 2017 -
gradle-release Public
Forked from researchgate/gradle-releasegradle-release is a plugin for providing a Maven-like release process for projects using Gradle
Groovy MIT License UpdatedJul 4, 2017 -
gradle-release-plugin Public
Forked from ari/gradle-release-pluginA modern release plugin for gradle
Groovy Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 29, 2016 -
openimaj Public
Forked from openimaj/openimajThe OpenIMAJ source code repository
Java Other UpdatedNov 8, 2016 -
spring-boot-starter-netty Public
Forked from DanielThomas/spring-boot-starter-nettyNetty Container for Spring Boot
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 1, 2015 -
spring-boot Public
Forked from spring-projects/spring-bootSpring Boot
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 13, 2015 -
update-properties Public
Small app/script to update .properties files
node-int64 Public
Forked from broofa/node-int64Support for representing 64-bit integers in JavaScript
JavaScript UpdatedAug 19, 2013 -
using-thrift Public
Source of using thrift in Java and node.js. TServer (Java), TClient(Java and node.js).
finagle Public
Forked from twitter/finagleA fault tolerant, protocol-agnostic RPC system
Scala Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 27, 2013 -
elasticsearch Public
Forked from elastic/elasticsearchOpen Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 9, 2013 -
maven-thrift-plugin Public
Forked from dtrott/maven-thrift-pluginMaven Thrift Plugin that executes the thrift code generator (base on protocol buffers plugin)
RestExpress Public
Forked from RestExpress/RestExpressRestExpress is the easiest way to create RESTful web services in Java. An extremely Lightweight, Fast, REST Engine and API for Java. Supports JSON and XML serialization automagically as well as ISO…
vert.x Public
Forked from eclipse-vertx/vert.xvert.x - Effortless asynchronous application development for the modern web and enterprise