I am Ingrid Santos, a dedicated Software Engineer focusing on frontend development at Wiley. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and possess strong scientific research skills in data privacy and security. Additionally, I have a keen interest in education in computing and am an enthusiastic advocate for internet governance.
Here are some of the technologies I have professional knowledge in:
A bot for Twitter made with Python and Tweepy. This bot automates the task of reposting tweets based on specific subjects or hashtags. It helps in curating and sharing content relevant to particular topics efficiently.
A Netflix clone made with React and deployed on Vercel during #ImersãoReact by Alura Cursos. This project showcases my skills in React and web development.
Check out my learning journey and future plans on roadmap.sh:
Feel free to reach out to me via any of the platforms below:
This README was generated with ❤️ by Ingrid Santos.