Journo = module.exports = {}
Journo is a blogging program, with a few basic goals. To wit:
Write in Markdown.
Publish to flat files.
Publish via Rsync.
Maintain a manifest file (what's published and what isn't, pub dates).
Retina ready.
Syntax highlight code.
Publish a feed.
Quickly bootstrap a new blog.
Preview via a local server.
Work without JavaScript, but default to a fluid JavaScript-enabled UI.
You can install and use the journo
command via npm: sudo npm install -g journo
... now, let's go through those features one at a time:
Create a folder for your blog, and
into it. -
journo init
to bootstrap a new empty blog. -
Edit the
, andposts/
files to suit. -
to start the preview server, and have at it.
We'll use the excellent marked module to compile Markdown into HTML, and Underscore for many of its goodies later on. Up top, create a namespace for shared values needed by more than one function.
marked = require 'marked'
_ = require 'underscore'
shared = {}
To render a post, we take its raw source
, treat it as both an Underscore
template (for HTML generation) and as Markdown (for formatting), and insert it
into the layout as content
Journo.render = (post, source) ->
catchErrors ->
do loadLayout
source or= fs.readFileSync postPath post
variables = renderVariables post
markdown = _.template(source.toString()) variables
title = detectTitle markdown
content = marked.parser marked.lexer markdown
shared.layout _.extend variables, {title, content}
A Journo site has a layout file, stored in layout.html
, which is used
to wrap every page.
loadLayout = (force) ->
return layout if not force and layout = shared.layout
shared.layout = _.template(fs.readFileSync('layout.html').toString())
A blog is a folder on your hard drive. Within the blog, you have a posts
folder for blog posts, a public
folder for static content, a layout.html
file for the layout which wraps every page, and a journo.json
file for
configuration. During a build
, a static version of the site is rendered
into the site
folder, by rsyncing over all static files, rendering and
writing every post, and creating an RSS feed.
fs = require 'fs'
path = require 'path'
{spawn, exec} = require 'child_process' = ->
do loadManifest
fs.mkdirSync('site') unless fs.existsSync('site')
fs.mkdirSync('public') unless fs.existsSync('public')
exec "rsync -vur --delete public/ site", (err, stdout, stderr) ->
throw err if err
for post in folderContents('posts')
html = Journo.render post
file = htmlPath post
fs.mkdirSync path.dirname(file) unless fs.existsSync path.dirname(file)
fs.writeFileSync file, html
fs.writeFileSync "site/feed.rss", Journo.feed()
The config.json
configuration file is where you keep the configuration
details of your blog, and how to connect to the server you'd like to publish
it on. The valid settings are: title
, description
, author
(for RSS), url
, publish
(the user@host:path
location to rsync to), and publishPort
(if your server doesn't listen to SSH on the usual one).
An example config.json
will be bootstrapped for you when you initialize a blog,
so you don't need to remember any of that.
loadConfig = ->
return if shared.config
shared.config = JSON.parse fs.readFileSync 'config.json'
catch err
fatal "Unable to read config.json"
shared.siteUrl = shared.config.url.replace(/\/$/, '')
Publishing is nice and rudimentary. We build out an entirely static version of the site and rysnc it up to the server.
Journo.publish = ->
fs.mkdirSync('site/images') unless fs.existsSync('site/images')
rsync 'site/', shared.config.publish
A helper function for rsyncing, with logging, and the ability to wait for the rsync to continue before proceeding. This is useful for ensuring that our any new photos have finished uploading (very slowly) before the update to the feed is syndicated out.
rsync = (from, to, callback) ->
port = "ssh -p #{shared.config.publishPort or 22}"
child = spawn "rsync", ['-vurz', '--delete', '-e', port, from, to]
child.stdout.on 'data', (out) -> console.log out.toString()
child.stderr.on 'data', (err) -> console.error err.toString()
child.on 'exit', callback if callback
The "manifest" is where Journo keeps track of metadata -- the title, description, publications date and last modified time of each post. Everything you need to render out an RSS feed ... and everything you need to know if a post has been updated or removed.
manifestPath = 'journo-manifest.json'
loadManifest = ->
do loadConfig
shared.manifest = if fs.existsSync manifestPath
JSON.parse fs.readFileSync manifestPath
do updateManifest
fs.writeFileSync manifestPath, JSON.stringify shared.manifest
We update the manifest by looping through every post and every entry in the
existing manifest, looking for differences in mtime
, and recording those
along with the title and description of each post.
updateManifest = ->
manifest = shared.manifest
posts = folderContents 'posts'
delete manifest[post] for post of manifest when post not in posts
for post in posts
stat = fs.statSync postPath post
entry = manifest[post]
if not entry or entry.mtime isnt stat.mtime
entry or= {pubtime: stat.ctime}
entry.mtime = stat.mtime
content = fs.readFileSync(postPath post).toString()
entry.title = detectTitle content
entry.description = detectDescription content, post
manifest[post] = entry
In the future, it may make sense for Journo to have some sort of built-in facility for automatically downsizing photos from retina to regular sizes ... But for now, this bit is up to you.
We syntax-highlight blocks of code with the nifty highlight package that includes heuristics for auto-language detection, so you don't have to specify what you're coding in.
highlight = require 'highlight.js'
highlight: (code, lang) ->
if highlight.LANGUAGES[lang]?
highlight.highlight(lang, code, true).value
We'll use the rss module to build a simple feed of recent posts. Start with
the basic author
, blog title
, description
and url
configured in the
. Then, each post's title
is the first header present in the
post, the description
is the first paragraph, and the date is the date you
first created the post file.
Journo.feed = ->
RSS = require 'rss'
do loadConfig
config = shared.config
feed = new RSS
title: config.title
description: config.description
feed_url: "#{shared.siteUrl}/rss.xml"
site_url: shared.siteUrl
for post in sortedPosts()[0...20]
entry = shared.manifest[post]
title: entry.title
description: entry.description
url: postUrl post
date: entry.pubtime
We init a new blog into the current directory by copying over the contents
of a basic bootstrap
Journo.init = ->
here = fs.realpathSync '.'
if fs.existsSync 'posts'
fatal "A blog already exists in #{here}"
bootstrap = path.join(__dirname, 'bootstrap/*')
exec "rsync -vur --delete #{bootstrap} .", (err, stdout, stderr) ->
throw err if err
console.log "Initialized new blog in #{here}"
Instead of constantly rebuilding a purely static version of the site, Journo
provides a preview server (which you can start by just typing journo
within your blog).
Journo.preview = ->
http = require 'http'
mime = require 'mime'
url = require 'url'
util = require 'util'
do loadManifest
server = http.createServer (req, res) ->
rawPath = url.parse(req.url).pathname.replace(/(^\/|\/$)/g, '') or 'index'
If the request is for a preview of the RSS feed...
if rawPath is 'feed.rss'
res.writeHead 200, 'Content-Type': mime.lookup('.rss')
res.end Journo.feed()
If the request is for a static file that exists in our public
publicPath = "public/" + rawPath
fs.exists publicPath, (exists) ->
if exists
res.writeHead 200, 'Content-Type': mime.lookup(publicPath)
fs.createReadStream(publicPath).pipe res
If the request is for the slug of a valid post, we reload the layout, and render it...
post = "posts/#{rawPath}.md"
fs.exists post, (exists) ->
if exists
loadLayout true
fs.readFile post, (err, content) ->
res.writeHead 200, 'Content-Type': 'text/html'
res.end Journo.render post, content
Anything else is a 404. (Does anyone know a cross-platform equivalent of the
OSX open
res.writeHead 404
res.end '404 Not Found'
server.listen 1234
console.log "Journo is previewing at http://localhost:1234"
exec "open http://localhost:1234"
The best way to handle this bit seems to be entirely on the client-side. For
example, when rendering a JavaScript slideshow of photographs, instead of
having the server spit out the slideshow code, simply have the blog detect
the list of images during page load and move them into a slideshow right then
and there -- using alt
attributes for captions, for example.
Since the blog is public, it's nice if search engines can see all of the pieces as well as readers.
We'll do the simplest possible command-line interface. If a public function
exists on the Journo
object, you can run it. Note that this lets you do
silly things, like journo toString
but no big deal. = ->
command = process.argv[2] or 'preview'
return do Journo[command] if Journo[command]
console.error "Journo doesn't know how to '#{command}'"
Let's also provide a help page that lists the available commands. = Journo['--help'] = Journo['-h'] = ->
console.log """
Usage: journo [command]
Journo: Blogging like it's 1999.
If called without a command, `journo` will preview your blog.
init start a new blog in the current folder
build build a static version of the blog into 'site'
preview live preview the blog via a local server
publish publish the blog to your remote server
--version, -v show the journo version
--help, -h display this help screen
And we might as well do the version number, for completeness' sake.
Journo.version = Journo['--version'] = Journo['-v'] = ->
console.log "Journo 0.0.1"
Little utility functions that are useful up above.
The file path to the source of a given post
postPath = (post) -> "posts/#{post}"
The server-side path to the HTML for a given post
htmlPath = (post) ->
name = postName post
if name is 'index'
The name (or slug) of a post, taken from the filename.
postName = (post) -> path.basename post, '.md'
The full, absolute URL for a published post.
postUrl = (post) -> "#{shared.siteUrl}/#{postName(post)}/"
Starting with the string contents of a post, detect the title -- the first heading.
detectTitle = (content) ->
_.find(marked.lexer(content), (token) -> token.type is 'heading')?.text
Starting with the string contents of a post, detect the description -- the first paragraph.
detectDescription = (content, post) ->
desc = _.find(marked.lexer(content), (token) -> token.type is 'paragraph')?.text
marked.parser marked.lexer _.template("#{desc}...")(renderVariables(post))
Helper function to read in the contents of a folder, ignoring hidden files and directories.
folderContents = (folder) ->
fs.readdirSync(folder).filter (f) -> f.charAt(0) isnt '.'
Return the list of posts currently in the manifest, sorted by their date of publication.
sortedPosts = ->
_.sortBy _.without(_.keys(shared.manifest), ''), (post) ->
The shared variables we want to allow our templates (both posts, and layout) to use in their evaluations. In the future, it would be nice to determine exactly what best belongs here, and provide an easier way for the blog author to add functions to it.
renderVariables = (post) ->
posts: sortedPosts()
post: path.basename(post)
manifest: shared.manifest
Quick function which creates a link to a Google Map search for the name of the place.
mapLink = (place, additional = '', zoom = 15) ->
query = encodeURIComponent("#{place}, #{additional}")
"<a href=\"{query}&t=h&z=#{zoom}\">#{place}</a>"
Convenience function for catching errors (keeping the preview server from crashing while testing code), and printing them out.
catchErrors = (func) ->
try do func
catch err
console.error err.stack
Finally, for errors that you want the app to die on -- things that should break the site build.
fatal = (message) ->
console.error message
process.exit 1