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TFRecord parser using C++ and Protocal Buffer


protoc 3.8.0 & C++ 11


make parse
./parse samples/one_sample_from_py.tfr # can parse any tfrecord file, print the content to stdout

make read
./read samples/single_message # can only read file containing a Serialized Example without header and footer

make write
./write <your new file> # the result file is simply a Serialized Example Message without header and footer

Background about this project

I want to parse TFRecord file using C++, after some searching I found the tensorflow C++ TFRecordReader API document. But to use this API, you need to compile and build tensorflow C++ from source, which is not easy and too complicated for such a simple need. So I open this project to decode TFRecord using C++ directly.

To use and understand this project, you need to have some basic knowledge about Protocal Buffer.

TFRecord file's organization

TFRecord's Official document explains that TFRecord is composed of some tf.train.Example, which is exactly a message of protobuf. The definition about the message lies in the file example.proto in the tensorflow code base (current link to the file).

For the purpose of checking and validation, TFRecord also add header and footer to each tf.train.Example, information about these addtional fields can be found in record_writer.h (current link to this file). Below shows the most important lines:

class RecordWriter {
  // Format of a single record:
  //  uint64    length
  //  uint32    masked crc of length
  //  byte      data[length]
  //  uint32    masked crc of data
  static constexpr size_t kHeaderSize = sizeof(uint64) + sizeof(uint32);
  static constexpr size_t kFooterSize = sizeof(uint32);

From the comments above we can see that, the tf.train.Example is stored in the data field, the length field store the bytes length, and two crc fields are added respectively.

So now it is clear how we can parse one TFRecord file:

  1. read a TFRecord in binary format
  2. read the first 8 bytes into a uint64, get the length
  3. skip the 4 bytes crc of length (you should be careful about this)
  4. read length bytes as data, and use Protocal Buffer C++ API to decode it.
  5. skip the 4 bytes crc of data
  6. repeat 2~5 until you reach the end of the file

Protocal Buffer

To decode the data field, you need corresponding Protocal Buffer C++ API, so you need to compile proto files first. Note that the feature.proto is imported in example.proto, so you need to compile both and reference corresponding C++ header afterwards(when compile your own read/write C++ code).

The feature.proto and the example.proto is downloaded from tensorflow-r1.15 code base. The corresponding protoc version is 3.8.0.

To use a different version of Protoc, just protoc --cpp_out=. feature.proto and protoc --cpp_out=. example.proto

For a single protobuf message, sample read and write usage is in read_message.cpp and write_message.cpp.

For tfrecord, sample parse usage is in parse_tfrecord.cpp, this file can parse arbitrary TFRecord files.


TFRecord parser using C++ and Protocal Buffer






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