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FEATure HashER

Build & Install

  • CPP
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../ -DBUILD_TESTS=ON # build with test 
cmake ../

make -j12
  • Python with pip
cd feather && python3 -m pip install ./ -vvv
# or
python -m pip install -vvv

here is what you may see:

Processing /Path/To/feather                                                                                        
Building wheels for collected packages: pyfeather
Building wheel for pyfeather ( ... done  
Created wheel for pyfeather:
filename=pyfeather-0.0.1-cp37-cp37m-macosx_10_15_x86_64.whl size=1284474 sha256=e3f9d0be1e7578274f3fcecb854c1e66336a24985b8e6ff4213375d76463299e
Stored in directory: /private/var/folders/4q/50_2647d1yb47jt9j6plwx2r0000gq/T/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-996awbes/wheels/0f/bd/93/b6936ec0c1169201de264147e21ae7e2bb894720b34bcdce79
Successfully built pyfeather
Installing collected packages: pyfeather
Successfully installed pyfeather-0.0.1  
  • Python with poetry
cd feather && poetry run python -m pip install ./ -vvv
# or
poetry run python -m pip install -vvv

Feature Hashing


  • Feature Value:
    Defined by FeaValue, which is a unified wrapping of feature data. Feature-data could be classified into three types: discrete-feature, continuous-feature, vector-feature.
    • Discrete Feature:
      The input could be std::string, int32_t, float, double, no matter what input type it is, the input will be casted into std::string and saved as FeaValue::discrete_val.
    • Continuous Feature:
      The input could be std::string, int32_t, float, double, no matter what input type it is, the input will be casted into float and saved as FeaValue::continuous_val.
    • Vector Feature:
      The input could be std::vector<std::string>, std::vector<int>, std::vector<float>, no matter what input type it is, the input will be casted into std::vector<float> and saved as FeaValue::vec_val.

FeaValue instance will also record some feature meta-data, such as feature-type, 0 for discrete-feature, 1 for continuous-feature, 2 for vector-feature.

Besides, FeaValue support transform feature-value to feature-value's hash id by FeaValue::GetHash, according feature-type:

  • Discrete Feature Hash:
    Just the result of calling std::hash on FeaValue::discrete_val.

  • Continuous Feature Hash:
    Always returns 1 as feature-hash. This is because continuous-feature actually don't needs feature-hashing, so its Feature-Slot's bucket-size should always be 1, so by assign its feather hash-id to 1, when using mod function to hash-id on slot-bucket-size, we can always assign continuous-feature value on 0-bucket of its slot.

  • Vector Feature Hash:
    Similiar to continuous-feature case, vector-feature also doesn't need feature-hashing operation. So we can assign each element in vector to slot-bucket which id corresponding to element's index.
    To do this, we can let each element's hash-id as element-index + slot-bucket-size, when using mod function to hash-id on slot-bucket-size, we can always assign each element's slot-bucket to element-index.
    For example, a 3-dim vector [3.14, 5.21, 6.79], its slot-bucket-size must be 3 (same with its dimension), we assign each element's hash-id as [3 + 0, 3 + 1, 3 + 2], and so each element's slot-bucket-id is [3 % 3, 4 % 3, 5 % 3].

  • Feature Slot
    Defined in FeaSlot. Each feature corresponing to a "slot", the feature-slot takes responsibility to map each feature value's hash to a bucket by executing mod operation on feature value's hash with slot's bucket-size.

  • Feature Hash
    Define in FeaHash. There is a config which defines schema of target features, the 1st column is feature-name, 2nd column is feature-slot id, 3rd column is feature-slot hash-bucket number, 4th column is feature-type (0 for discrete-feathe, 1 for continuous-feature, 2 for vector-feature). The FeaHash will record/register all slots at construction function.

  • Feature Indexer(TODO)

  • Feature Extractor
    The base class is FeaExtractor, but the mainly using case is mapping feature's hash-id/index and value (in continuous and vector feature case) to libsvm format, which can be done by LibSVMExtractor.

  • Bucket-ID and Bucket-Code
    Briefly, Bucket-ID is int32_t, Bucket-Code is std::string which digits/length should be fixed. Here are some example about mapping bucket-id to bucket-code, which all bucket-code has 5 digits:

    • bucket-id: 5 -> bucket-code: '00005'
    • bucket-id: 54234 -> bucket-code: '54234'
    • bucket-id: 568 -> bucket-code: '00568'


Each feature has a slot and hash-bucket size, the finally hash of this feature is a int64 in the format as ${SLOT}{HASH-BUCKET-CODE}, since the top digit of this int64 is controled by slot, so each feature's finally hash value will far away with each other, the second part is 'part of hash value of feature value according feature hash-bucket size' because, hash value of feature value is a int64, finally-hash is also a int64, if we just concat slot and hash value of feature value, then the finally result number will have posibillity to overflow from int64 range.

by the way, in case we want adjust each feature-slot's hash-bucket size, we can maintain a hash-ring/consistant hash for each slot.


  • Seperate classes' pybind codes, so when calling cpp interface, do not need linking/building pybind lib.
  • For discrete-feature, supports multi-hot encoding
  • FeaHash::Hash2IndexDictBuild should supports rebuild mode.