This contains all the Airwindows audio open source code
An easy to use tool that turns scripts into command line utilities.
This is the Atmega1284 firmware for the MEGAfm synthesizer.
Deezer source separation library including pretrained models.
Create infinite remixes intelligently patching together groups of songs
The Web MIDI API, developed by the W3C Audio WG
Snoopy Command Logger is a small library that logs all program executions on your Linux/BSD system.
Attempts to replay an HTTP Archive request and store the resulting contents.
inno / duo_openvpn
Forked from duosecurity/duo_openvpnDuo two-factor authentication for OpenVPN.
inno / diaspora
Forked from diaspora/diasporaDistributed and contextual social networking
Duo two-factor authentication for OpenVPN.
Generalized mechanism to query for IPs that may be blacklisted, whitelisted, etc..
ebuild for Perl TokyoCabinet bindings
inno / net-mosso-cloudfiles
Forked from acme/net-mosso-cloudfilesPerl Interface to Mosso Cloud Files service
A privacy-aware, distributed, open source social network.
Perl Interface to Mosso Cloud Files service