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A simple, lightweight jQuery modal plugin that's highly configurable, easy-to-use & implement. Includes multiple implementation options like timed, automatic, sticky modals and more! It has the ability to show modals only once per user using HTML5 web storage or jQuery.cookie as a fallback.

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A simple, lightweight jQuery modal plugin that's highly configurable, easy-to-use & implement. Includes multiple implementation options like timed, automatic, sticky modals and more! It has the ability to show modals only once per user using HTML5 web storage or jQuery.cookie as a fallback.

Visit for more information.


Include the jquery.smartModal.js script after the jQuery library (unless you are packaging scripts somehow else) then initialize the plugin:

<script src='jquery.smartModal.js'></script>
<!-- Optional, fallback for older browsers that don't support webStorage. -->
<script src='jquery.cookie.js'></script>
$(function() {

Do not include the script directly from GitHub. The file is being served as text/plain and as such being blocked in Internet Explorer on Windows 7 for instance (because of the wrong MIME type). Bottom line: GitHub is not a CDN.

Add the CSS from the jquery.smartModal.css to your exisiting CSS or link to it directly:

<link rel='stylesheet' href='jquery.smartModal.css'>

Feel free to edit the CSS to suit your site's needs.


To get started, create your modal box by adding the class, smartmodal to it. You can define a trigger class by specifying the id attribute:

<div class="smartmodal" id="triggerID">I'm a normal modal!</div>
<a href="#" class="triggerID">Click me</a> to trigger a normal modal.

Now when a user clicks on an element with the triggerID class, the modal will popup.


A basic modal with a trigger:

<div class="smartmodal" id="triggerID">I'm a normal modal!</div>
<a href="#" class="triggerID">Click me</a>

A modal that only get's shown once:

<div class="smartmodal once" id="triggerID" data-expires="7">I'll only get shown once!</div>
<a href="#" class="triggerID">Click me</a>

A modal that disappears after so many seconds:

<div class="smartmodal" id="triggerID" data-time="5">I'm a timed modal!</div>
<a href="#" class="triggerID">Click me</a>

A modal that disappears after so many seconds and shows the number of remaining seconds left:

<div class="smartmodal" id="triggerID" data-time="10">I'm a timed modal, <span class="sec"></span> seconds before I close!</div>
<a href="#" class="triggerID">Click me</a>

A modal that automatically pops up after the page loads:

<div class="smartmodal auto">I'm automatic after page load!</div>

A modal that automatically pops up after a specified number of seconds:

<div class="smartmodal auto" data-wait="10">I'm automatic after 10 seconds!</div>

A modal that can't be closed (sticky):

<div class="smartmodal sticky auto">I can't be closed!</div>

A sticky modal that's closed after a specified number of seconds:

<div class="smartmodal sticky auto" data-time="9">You can't close me, but I'll close myself after <span class="sec"></span> seconds!</div>

A sticky modal that can be manually closed after a specified number of seconds:

<div class="smartmodal sticky auto" data-time="9" data-close="manual">I can't be closed until <span class="sec"></span> seconds! <a href="#" class="close">Close Me</a></div>

An automated timed sticky modal that can be manually closed after a specified number of seconds:

<div class="smartmodal sticky auto" data-wait="10"  data-time="9" data-close="manual">I can't be closed until <span class="sec"></span> seconds! <a href="#" class="close">Close Me</a></div>

An animated modal:

<div class="smartmodal sticky auto" data-animation="top|easeOutBounce|5000">I'm animated with the easeOutBounce effect that lastes 5 seconds.</div>

Configuration Options

smartModal allows for additional configuration options to allow for more flexibility and control over the modals.

Initialization Options

You can set some default options for your modals with initializating the plugin like so:

  overlayDelay: 300,
  hideDelay: 300,
  cookieExpires: 7

Available Initialization Options

Option Description
overlayDelay Integer. Number of milliseconds it takes for the modal to fade in.
hideDelay Integer. Number of milliseconds it takes for the modal to fade out.
cookieExpires Integer. Number of days until the modal cookies expire.
debug Boolean. Enable/disbale debug mode.
shortkeys Boolean. Enable/disable shortcut keys.
clickClose Boolean. Enable/disbale the ability to close the modals by clicking on the overlay.
animationDuration Integer. Default number of milliseconds for the animation duration.
animationEasing String. The default easing effect for the modal animation. See
gaTracking Boolean. Enable/disable Google Analytics event tracking.
onOpen Function. Callback function when the modal is opened. Returns the modal ID.
onClose Function. Callback function when the modal is closed. Returns the modal ID.

Modal Class Attribute Options

Class Description
once Will only show the modal once per page load. jquery.cookie will need to be loaded to enable modals to be shown once per visit.
auto Enables the modal to popup automatically when the page is loaded. You can specify the data-wait attribute to set the number of seconds before the modal pops up.
sticky Disables the ability to close the modal.

Modal Attribute Options

Attribute Description
data-expires Integer. Specify the number of days until the cookie expires.
data-time Integer. Specify the number of seconds the modal should be visible.
data-wait Integer Specify the number of seconds before the modal should popup. Should be used with the auto class.
data-close String (manual). Disables the modal from closing automatically. Used in conjunction with data-time and the sticky class.
data-animation String (start effect duration). Specifies the modals animation settings. Requires jQuery UI Effects component.
data-name String. The name of the modal. Used for GA event tracking.

Additional Modal Options

Show number of seconds remaining

You can display the number of remaining seconds until the modal disappears within the modal by applying the sec class to an element:

<div class="smartmodal" data-time="10">I'm a timed modal <span class="sec"></span> seconds before I close!</div>

Add a close trigger in the modal

You can easily add a close trigger to allow the modal to close when a user clicks on it:

<div class="smartmodal">I'm a normal modal! <a href="#" class="close">Close Me</a></div>

API Methods

To make it easy to call jQuery.smartModal's methods, you can use it's API:

$.smartModal('show', 'modalID'); // Shows a modal
$.smartModal('hide', 'modalID'); // Hides a modal
$.smartModal('settings', settingsObj); // Define smartModal's default settings
$.smartModal('init', settingsObj); // Initialize the smartModal plugin

Cross-Browser Compatibility

This plugin has been tested in the following browsers (should also work in IE, but haven't tested):

  • Google Chome
  • Version 27+
  • Firefox
  • Version 21+
  • Safari
  • Version 6+
  • Opera
  • Version 12+



Version 2.2.1

  • Updated the jquery.cookie plugin to v1.4.1
  • Added grunt configuration files
  • Updated the jQuery UI plugin to v1.11.0
  • Integrated GA Universal Analytics

Version 2.2.0

Version 2.1.0

Version 2.0.0

  • Fixed issue the modal woudn't initialize the settings object is defined
  • Changed the GA event tracking naming convention structure
  • Fixed JS error when the GA tracking script hasn't be loaded
  • Fixed the missing shortkey setting

Version 1.1.2

Version 1.1.1

  • Fixed issue with close trigger
  • Added the ability for modal animations
  • Added minified version of the script
  • Cleaned-up JS with
  • Started on integrating Google Analytics event tracking

Version 1.1.0

  • Added API methods
  • Fixed issue with timeouts and intervals
  • Added the ability to create sticky timed modals
  • Added the ability for a close trigger in the modal
  • Added debugging check for smartModals with duplicate id attributes


Ben Marshall


A simple, lightweight jQuery modal plugin that's highly configurable, easy-to-use & implement. Includes multiple implementation options like timed, automatic, sticky modals and more! It has the ability to show modals only once per user using HTML5 web storage or jQuery.cookie as a fallback.






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  • JavaScript 93.9%
  • HTML 4.4%
  • CSS 1.7%