This repository contains the LaTeX source code for the Bluepaper. The instructions to clone the repository and build the PDF using pandoc are described below.
Currently the build instructions are for Ubuntu 16.04 or higher. There is also separate script, which will build the PDF using docker, and can be used on other operating systems. Users are welcome to try out the build in their local environments and submit a pull request to update the readme instructions if they are able to get it to successfully build natively on a different OS.
First build will take a while, because docker image will need to be build. Next builds should be much faster :)
git clone && cd blupaper
Bluepaper.pdf should be created.
Install packages
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install texlive-xetex
sudo apt-get install pandoc
Clone repository
git clone
Open the bluepaper directory
cd ~/bluepaper
Compile using pandoc
pandoc --latex-engine=xelatex -o Bluepaper.pdf
After building, the pdf file will be output to: