See [exe/head][./exe/head/Main.hs] and [experiments][./experiments]
See [exe/tail][./exe/tail/Main.hs].
The tail protocol simulation works in two steps: preparation and run.
The preparation generates clients events from a set of parameters. That is, one can create a simulation over a certain period of time, from a certain number of clients with certain behavior. For example:
$ hydra-tail-simulation prepare \
--number-of-clients 1000 \
--duration 60 \
--online-likelihood 50%100 \
--submit-likelihood 10%100
{ numberOfClients = 1000
, duration = SlotNo 60
, clientOptions = ClientOptions
{ onlineLikelihood = 1 % 2
, submitLikelihood = 1 % 10
The events can then be fed into the simulation for execution. Having both step separated allows for creating events from other sources (e.g. from a real network) while the prepare
command can be used to establish some baseline on simple patterns. Note that the prepare
command is fully deterministic. Same options yield exactly the same events.
To run a simulation, simply provide an events dataset with possibly some custom options for the server:
$ hydra-tail-simulation run \
--slot-length 1s \
--region LondonAWS \
--read-capacity 102400 \
--write-capacity 102400 \
{ slotLength = 1 s
, serverOptions = ServerOptions
{ region = LondonAWS
, concurrency = 16
, readCapacity = 102400 KBits/s
, writeCapacity = 102400 KBits/s
{ numberOfClients = 1000
, numberOfEvents = 39254
, numberOfTransactions = 19627
, lastSlot = SlotNo 29
{ maxThroughput = 654.2333333333333
, actualThroughput = 652.2456487218975
, actualWriteNetworkUsage = 4906 KBits/s
, actualReadNetworkUsage = 5385 KBits/s
The simulation outputs two throughputs: a maximum throughput and a real throughput. The actual throughput is calculated by looking at the (simulated) time it took to run the simulation, compared to the max throughput which is the best that the server could achieve given the inputs (or said differently, the actual traffic generated by all clients). It also outputs the actual network usage, as a mean to compare that with the initial server's capacity.
The simulations can take some time to run, so here below are some preliminary results computed from the main chain datasets:
Clients | Compression | Concurrency | Network Usage (KBits/s) | Traffic (Tx/s) | Server Throughput (Tx/s) |
1000 | 1000 | 16 | Read: 824522 Write: 990515 |
17 | 17 |
1000 | 10000 | 16 | Read: 824522 Write: 990515 |
166 | 166 |
1000 | 100000 | 16 | Read: 824522 Write: 990515 |
1686 | 1635 |
1000 | 1000000 | 16 | Read: 824522 Write: 990515 |
16353 | 2147 |