Simple and lightweight library for get current and historical fx rates.
npm install ecb-fx-rates --save
let getRatesFunc = require('ecb-fx-rates');
let currencyName = 'JPY';
let crossCurrencyName = 'JPY/BGN';
let historicalData = new Date().getTime() - 24 * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; //get fx rate for 24 days before
//Get historical data for cross-currency
getRatesFunc({currency: crossCurrencyName, date: historicalData}).then(, `Historical rate for ${crossCurrencyName}`));
//Get current data for currency
getRatesFunc(currencyName).then(, `Current fx rate for ${currencyName}`));
getRatesFunc({currency: currencyName}).then(, `Current fx rate for ${currencyName}`));
//Get historical data for cross-currency
getRatesFunc({currency: crossCurrencyName, date: historicalData}, function (err, rate) {
if (err) {
return console.error(err);
}`Historical rate for ${crossCurrencyName}`, rate);
//Get current data for currency
getRatesFunc(currencyName, function (err, rate) {
if (err) {
return console.error(err);
}`Current fx rate for ${currencyName}`, rate);
getRatesFunc({currency: currencyName}, function (err, rate) {
if (err) {
return console.error(err);
}`Current fx rate for ${currencyName}`, rate)
//JSDOC descriptions for common types
* @typedef {number} FormattedDate
* @description ms of start of the day
* @typedef {{}} fxRateOpts
* @property {boolean} [exactDate=false] if true - returns only date, that asked, else - returns exchange rate from the last nearest date if no data
* @property {Date} [date=new Date()] - date for get historical exchange rates
* @property {string} currency
* @property {boolean} [ignoreCache=false]
* @property {boolean} [dontStoreCache=false]
* @callback GetFxRateCallback
* @param {?err} error
* @param {?number} data
* @typedef {Object<string, number>} fxRateData
* Get foreign exchange rate
* @param {fxRateOpts|string} optsOrTicker
* @param {GetFxRateCallback} [cb]
* @returns Promise<number>
let getRatesFunc = require('ecb-fx-rate');
npm install
npm run test
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