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Instaclick Inc.

Popular repositories Loading

  1. php-webdriver php-webdriver Public

    W3C and Selenium 2 webdriver "thin client" for php 5.3+ and namespaces.

    PHP 434 62

  2. ICBaseTestBundle ICBaseTestBundle Public

    Provides lower level support for unit and functional tests in Symfony2

    PHP 96 21

  3. TranslationEditorBundle TranslationEditorBundle Public

    Forked from servergrove/TranslationEditorBundle

    Symfony2 bundle that provides a web based UI editor for translation files

    PHP 18 14

  4. PHPMailer-BMH PHPMailer-BMH Public

    Forked from hippich/PHPMailer-BMH

    Bounce Mail Handler for php 5.x. This is a "reboot" of PHPMailer-BMH from WorxWare. The "master" branch uses PSR-0 naming convention for php 5.3+ namespaces; the "legacy" branch adds a wrapper for …

    PHP 16 7

  5. medusa medusa Public

    Forked from khepin/medusa

    Composer Package and Git Repository Mirror via Satis

    PHP 13 5

  6. Symfony2-coding-standard Symfony2-coding-standard Public

    Forked from lapistano/Symfony2-coding-standard


    PHP 10 6


Showing 10 of 80 repositories

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