A template project with Scala and Unfiltered on Google App Engine.
- Scala
- Unfiltered filter
- Scalate
- Memcache support
- sbt
- Scalate precompiling support with xsbt-scalate-generate
- App Engine support with sbt-appengine
Java 7 or later is required.
Install App Engine SDK (mandatory) and JRebel (recommended).
gcloud components update gae-java
Set environment variables in .bashrc
or .zshrc
export APPENGINE_SDK_HOME=$HOME/Library/google-cloud-sdk/platform/appengine-java-sdk
export JREBEL_PATH=$HOME/Library/jrebel/jrebel.jar
Run sbt.
Start the development server.
appengineDevServer --port=8888
Run sbt.
Start the development server.
appengineDeploy --oauth2
- Scala sources of the productsrc/test/scala/
- Scala sources of the teststatic/public/
- Static filesstatic/target/
- Compiled assetsbuild.sbt
- Scala dependenciesappengine.sbt
- App Engine dependenciesscalate.sbt
- Scalate dependenciestarget/webapp/
- (output) Web application to be run or deployed