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luagraph is a primitive graph representation library for representing, manipulating and storing graphs.
LuaGraph lets you
- Create graphs
- Add nodes to graphs with different values (primitives or complex)
- Add edges between the nodes with different values (primitives or complex)
- Serialize and deserialize your graphs
LuaGraph is intended as a foundation that you can build more complex behaviour on top of. The long term goal is for this to be a performant, extensible and easy to use yet hard to misuse library.
We currently only support Undirected Graphs (via luagraph.UndirectedGraph), in the future it would be nice to add:
- Directed graphs
- Directed acyclic graphs (DAGs)
- Trees
There is no formal documentation as of yet, but the UndirectedGraph source code has comments on each public method.
This project follows some style rules I use when programming in Lua which is that:
- All instance properties are private regardless of name
- All instance methods that begin with _ are private