This project contains PXE (Preboot Execution Environment) boot UNDI (Universal Network Driver Interface) driver code to build:
- IntelgbeUndiDxe.efi: Supporting Ethernet PHYs on NEX Platforms.
To build EFI executables, run the following commands to build:
edksetup.bat rebuild # Rebuild BaseTools (optional)
build -p IntelUndiPkg/IntelGigUndiPkg.dsc -t VS2019
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2019
- Python 3.6.8
Run the following commands from UEFI Shell to load/unload UNDI Driver. Please note that the driver loaded this way does not persist after power cycle:
drivers # Display list of drivers
unload <Driver ID> # Eg: unload ED
load <New IntelgbeUndiDxe.efi> # Eg: load IntelgbeUndiDxe.efi
- Replace the existing UNDI driver file in the UEFI BIOS Source code and build the BIOS.
- Flash the BIOS into the platform. The new UNDI driver will be loaded when the platform boots.
Note: For Intel Reference UEFI BIOS Source Code and steps to build UEFI BIOS, please contact your Independent BIOS Vendor (IBV).